本文选题:学习生成 + 教师信息技术应用能力发展 ; 参考:《电化教育研究》2016年04期
[Abstract]:The perspective of learning generation caters to the needs of the development of teachers' information technology application ability. It emphasizes that the ability to improve and return to teachers' main body, to return to practice, to respect and recognize the dynamic, developmental and creative nature of teachers' learning applied technology. This paper combs the connotation of learning generation in the context of philosophy, psychology and teachers' learning theories, demonstrates the rationality of the generation perspective from three aspects: the teachers' own demands of learning, the characteristics of the ability development itself and the existing practical experience. Using Harry's learning loop model as the framework, this paper analyzes the four transformation processes of learning generation and the internal logic of teachers' information technology application ability development from the three aspects of mechanism, situation and support, and analyzes the development of teachers' ability to apply information technology from the perspective of teachers' growth. The state of learning generation is investigated from the perspectives of resource growth and cultural influence, and the whole process of learning generation is analyzed by taking the large-scale distance study project in Shandong province as a case study.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学教育信息技术学系;华东师范大学开放教育学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社科2015年度规划基金项目“基于大数据的教师在线培训质量分析工具研究”(课题编号:15YJA880087) 全国教育科学规划“十一五”规划国家青年基金课题“面向教师专业发展的在线案例学习模式研究”(课题编号:CFA090131)
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