本文选题:农村人口 + 客体依恋 ; 参考:《中国学校卫生》2017年03期
【摘要】:目的探究早年留守经历对流动青少年依恋关系的影响,为青春期流动儿童心理健康教育提供参考。方法采用随机整群抽样方法,选取珠海、中山、东莞、深圳和广州各1所农民工子弟学校六~八年级全部学生1 544名(留守组763名,未留守组781名)作为研究对象,采用自编问卷、父母同伴依恋问卷(IPPA)进行测评。结果留守组儿童母亲信任、母亲沟通、父亲信任、父亲沟通维度及母亲依恋、父亲依恋得分较非留守组儿童低(t值分别为-5.63,-6.04,-5.53,-4.06,-6.97,-5.71,P值均0.01);母亲疏远、父亲疏远、同伴疏远维度得分较非留守组儿童高(t值分别为5.62,3.31,2.59,P值均0.01);留守组与非留守组儿童同伴信任、同伴沟通维度及同伴依恋得分差异无统计学意义(P值均0.05)。多重线性回归分析显示,年龄是母亲信任、母亲沟通、母亲依恋、父亲信任、父亲依恋、同伴依恋的消极影响因素(B值分别为-1.30,-0.95,-2.88,-0.87,-1.34,-1.24),是母亲疏远、父亲疏远、同伴疏远的积极影响因素(B值分别为0.63,0.46,0.62,P值均0.05);分离期间见面频率为每月都见是留守组儿童母亲依恋、父亲依恋的积极影响因素(B值分别为9.67,10.52,P值均0.01);与父母均分离是留守组儿童同伴信任、同伴沟通、同伴依恋的消极影响因素(B值分别为-2.66,-1.78,-4.36,P值均0.05);留守期间隔代监护是留守组儿童父亲疏远及同伴疏远的消极影响因素(t值分别为-0.40,-0.68,P值均0.05);分离年龄在4~5岁是留守组流动儿童同伴依恋的积极影响因素(B=5.79,P0.01)。结论早年留守经历对青春期流动儿童依恋关系造成影响。改善养育环境,制定增进父母与流动儿童共同生活等政策,将有助于降低儿童不良心理的发生风险。
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the influence of the early left-behind experience on the attachment relationship of floating adolescents, and to provide reference for the mental health education of adolescent migrant children. Methods A total of 1,544 students (763 in the left-behind group and 781 in the non-left-behind group) were enrolled in this study in Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Dongguan, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Self-made questionnaire and parent peer attachment questionnaire (IPPA) were used. Results the scores of maternal trust, mother communication, father trust, father communication dimension and mother attachment in the left-behind group were lower than those in the non-left-behind group, and the scores of father attachment were -5.63 ~ (-6.04) -5.53- 4.06- 6.97-6.97 (P < 0.01), the distance between mother and father was 0.01.The results showed that the scores of paternal attachment were lower than those of non-left-behind children, and the scores of father's attachment were lower than those of non-left-behind children. The scores of peer estrangement were higher than those of non-left-behind children (P = 5.62P = 3.31or 2.59P, respectively), but there was no significant difference in peer trust, peer communication dimension and peer attachment score between left-behind group and non-left-behind group (P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that age was the negative factors of mother's trust, mother's communication, mother's attachment, father's trust, father's attachment and peer attachment. The positive influencing factors of peer alienation were: B value was 0.63 / 0.46 / 0. 62P value was 0.050.The frequency of meeting during the separation period was monthly, which was the attachment of the mothers of the children in the left behind group. The positive influencing factors of father attachment were 9.67% 10.52% P and 0.01% P, respectively, and the separation from parents was peer trust and peer communication between children in the left-behind group. The negative influencing factors of peer attachment were -2.66 ~ 1.78- 4.36 ~ P = 0.050.The negative factors of father alienation and peer estrangement were -0.40 ~ -0.68 / P and 0.05 respectively; the separation age was 45 years old and the left behind group was left behind at the age of 45 years, and the negative influence factors of children's father alienation and peer estrangement were -0.40 ~ -0.68 / P = -0.40 ~ (-0.68) / P = -0.40 ~ (-0.68) P = 0.05 respectively. The positive influencing factors of peer attachment in floating children were 5.79 (P 0.01). Conclusion Left-behind experience in early years has an effect on attachment of floating children in adolescence. Improving parenting environment and making policies to improve parents' living together with floating children will help to reduce the risk of bad psychology of children.
【作者单位】: 中山大学公共卫生学院妇幼卫生系;中山大学公共卫生学院医学统计与流行病学系;
【基金】:美国中华医学基金会项目(12-111) 农村流动儿童社会适用性发展研究项目(51000-71020185)
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