本文选题:实习护生 + 生涯适应力 ; 参考:《锦州医科大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的本文通过调查实习护生的生涯适应力、择业焦虑和心理控制源的现状,探索这三个变量之间的相关关系。同时从认知信息加工理论的角度引入心理控制源,分析心理控制源在实习护生生涯适应力与择业焦虑间的中介作用。为丰富我国生涯心理学及提高实习护生生涯适应力、减轻择业焦虑、促进实习护生身心发展提供一定的参考依据。方法本研究运用便利抽样的方法,于2015年10-11月对辽宁省内5所三级甲等医院(辽宁医学院附属第一医院、辽宁医学院附属第三医院、锦州市中心医院、辽宁省人民医院、朝阳市中心医院)的448名实习护生进行问卷调查。本次调查采用护生自填问卷方式,进行不记名填写。采用自编的实习护生一般资料调查表、大学生生涯适应力问卷、心理控制源量表和择业焦虑量表分别调查实习护生的人口学特征、生涯适应力、心理控制源和择业焦虑情况。调查后立即将问卷收好,运用SPSS20.0双录入数据并建立数据库。采用t检验和方差分析检验人口学资料对实习护生生涯适应力、心理控制源、择业焦虑的影响。运用Pearson相关分析生涯适应力、心理控制源的内控性、心理控制源的机遇、心理控制源的有势力他人和择业焦虑间的相关关系。运用SPSS20.0的Process Bootstrap程序分析心理控制源在生涯适应力与择业焦虑间的中介作用。结果1.大学生生涯适应力问卷、心理控制源量表和择业焦虑量表都具有较好的信度,因此证明本研究的结果高度可信。2.各研究变量在人口统计学变量上存在显著差异:按性别分组后,不同组实习护生生涯适应力得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.026);不同学历背景分组后,不同组实习护生生涯适应力的得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.002),心理控制源的内控性得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.029),择业焦虑得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.010);按是否是独生子女分组后,不同组实习护生生涯适应力得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.011),心理控制源的内控性得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.012);按有无兼职经历分组后,不同实习护生生涯适应力得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.008),心理控制源内控性得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.012),择业焦虑得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.040);按家庭居住地分组后,不同组实习护生生涯适应力得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.020),择业焦虑得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.042);按是否担任班级干部分组后,不同组实习护生生涯适应力得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.027),择业焦虑得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.034)。3.实习护生生涯适应力与择业焦虑呈显著负相关(r=-0.44,p0.01);生涯适应力与机遇、有势力他人因子显著负相关(r=-0.21,-0.21,P0.01);生涯适应力与心理控制源的内控性因子呈显著正相关(r=0.38,P0.01);心理控制源的机遇、有势力他人因子与择业焦虑呈显著正相关(r=0.45,0.43,P0.01)。4.实习护生生涯适应力对择业焦虑的总效果显著λ=-0.466(LLCI=-0.559,ULCI=-0.374);生涯适应力对择业焦虑的直接效果显著λ=-0.371(LLCI=-0.467,ULCI=-0.275);心理控制源三个因子共同发挥的中介作用显著(LLCI=-0.175,ULCI=-0.032),作用大小为-0.095;在心理控制源3个中介路径中机遇(LLCI=-0.097,ULCI=-0.018)、有势力他人发挥了显著的中介作用(LLCI=-0.084,ULCI=-0.021),中介作用大小依次为-0.050、-0.047;而内控性的中介作用并不显著(LLCI=-0.040,ULCI=0.040)。心理控制源的机遇和有势力他人因子在生涯适应力与择业焦虑之间起部分中介作用。结论1.人口学资料对部分研究变量影响有统计学差异。2.实习护生生涯适应力、心理控制源、择业焦虑三个研究变量间有部分相关。3.实习护生生涯适应力、心理控制源对其择业焦虑有重要影响;心理控制源的机遇和有势力他人因子在生涯适应力与择业焦虑之间起部分中介作用。
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the relationship between the three variables by investigating the career adaptability, job selection anxiety and the status quo of psychological control sources, and introducing the source of psychological control from the perspective of cognitive information processing theory, and analyzing the intermediary role of psychological control sources in the intern nursing students' career adaptation and job selection anxiety. In the 10-11 month of 2015, the First Affiliated Hospital of the Liaoning Medical University and the Third Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University, the method of convenient sampling was used in the 10-11 month of 2015. 448 intern nursing students in Jinzhou Central Hospital, Liaoning people's Hospital and the hospital were investigated by questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to fill out the self-filled questionnaire. The self-designed questionnaire of the general data of the nursing students, the questionnaire of College Students' career adaptability, the mental control source scale and the job selection anxiety scale were respectively used. The demographic characteristics, career adaptations, psychological control sources and job hunting anxiety were investigated. After the investigation, the questionnaires were collected, data were recorded by SPSS20.0 and the database was set up. The effects of demographic data on the career adaptation, psychological control source and job selection anxiety were tested by t test and variance analysis. Pearso N related analysis of career adaptability, internal control of psychological control sources, opportunities of psychological control sources, the relationship between psychological control sources and job selection anxiety. Using the Process Bootstrap program of SPSS20.0 to analyze the intermediary role of psychological control sources in career adaptation and career selection anxiety. Results 1. college students' career adaptability Volume, mental control source scale and job selection anxiety scale have good reliability. Therefore, it is proved that the results of this study are highly credible and there are significant differences in the variable of demographic variables of.2.. After grouping, the differences in career adaptation scores of different groups are statistically significant (P=0.026); after different educational background groups are divided into groups There was statistical significance (P=0.002) in different groups of students in different groups (P=0.002). There was significant difference in the score of internal control scores (P=0.029), and the difference in career selection anxiety score was statistically significant (P=0.010). (P=0.011) there was significant difference in the score of internal control scores of psychological control sources (P=0.012); there were statistical significance (P=0.008) for the score of career adaptability of different nursing students (P=0.008), and there was statistical significance (P=0.012) in the locus of control of psychological control sources, and there was significant difference in the score of career selection anxiety (P=0.040). After the family residence group, there were statistical significance (P=0.020) in the career adaptability of different groups of nursing students (P=0.042), and the difference in the career adaptability of the different groups was statistically significant (P=0.027). There was a significant negative correlation between career adaptability and career selection anxiety (r=-0.44, P0.01), and career adaptability and opportunity, and significant negative correlation (r=-0.21, -0.21, P0.01) in career adaptation and opportunity (r=-0.21, -0.21, P0.01); career adaptability and psychological control sources had significant positive correlation (r=0.38, P0.01), opportunity and potential of psychological control sources. The P=0.034) There was a significant positive correlation between force and other factors and career selection anxiety (r=0.45,0.43, P0.01) the overall effect of career adaptation on career anxiety of.4. students in.4. was significantly =-0.466 (LLCI=-0.559, ULCI=-0.374), and the direct effect of career adaptation on job selection anxiety was significant [LLCI=-0.467, ULCI=-0.275); the mediator of three factors of psychological control sources The effect was significant (LLCI=-0.175, ULCI=-0.032), the action size was -0.095; in the 3 mediator paths of the locus of control (LLCI=-0.097, ULCI=-0.018), the influential others played a significant intermediary role (LLCI=-0.084, ULCI=-0.021), the size of the intermediary role was -0.050, -0.047, while the intermediary role of internal control was not significant (LLCI=-0.040, ULCI=0). .040). The opportunities of psychological control sources and the factors of influential others play a partial intermediary role between career adaptability and job selection anxiety. Conclusion 1. demographic data have a statistical difference in the impact of some research variables on the career adaptation of.2. practice nurses, psychological control sources, and job selection anxiety among the three research variables related to.3. internship career. Adaptability, psychological control sources have an important influence on their career choice anxiety; the opportunity of psychological control and the factors of influential others play a part of mediating role between career adaptability and career choice anxiety.
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