发布时间:2018-07-04 08:51
本文选题:文化智力 + 主流文化认同 ; 参考:《心理发展与教育》2017年06期
[Abstract]:Based on the theory of cultural intelligence and social identity, this study explores the chain intermediary role of mainstream cultural identity and self-esteem in the relationship between cultural intelligence and subjective well-being. A total of 648 minority prep students were investigated with the Cultural Intelligence scale, the mainstream Cultural identity scale, the Self-esteem scale and the Well-being Index scale. The results show that: (1) Self-esteem is the intermediate variable between cultural intelligence and the subjective well-being of minority prep students, and (2) mainstream cultural identity is the intermediate variable between cultural intelligence and minority prep students' self-esteem. Mainstream cultural identity and self-esteem play an intermediary role between cultural intelligence and the subjective well-being of minority prep students. This indicates that mainstream cultural identity and self-esteem are the important internal factors influencing the relationship between cultural intelligence and the subjective well-being of minority prep students. The conclusion of the study is of great value in improving the subjective well-being of minority prep students.
【作者单位】: 江西师范大学心理健康教育研究中心江西师范大学心理学院江西省心理与认知科学重点实验室;南昌工学院民族教育学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31600909,31360237) 全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题“均等化视角下的省级义务教育政策绩效评估研究”(DFA130249) 江西省艺术科学规划项目(YG2015031,YG2015032,YG2015041) 江西省教育科学“十二五”规划一般项目(13YB036) 江西省社会科学“十二五”规划一般项目(14JY34) 江西省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究项目(JXYJG-2015-053) 江西省博士后科研择优资助项目(2016KY29) 江西省博士后日常经费资助项目(2016RC24) 江西省高校人文社科重点研究基地项目(JD1550) 江西师范大学招生就业工作研究课题(ZJ172201)
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