[Abstract]:Taking the region as the decision-making and action unit, it has become an important way to promote the education reform in our country. Because of the special preferential policy and the relatively loose policy environment, the economic and technological development zone has shown a lot of regional superiority in the aspects of introducing technology, gathering talents and so on. However, due to the excessive reliance on the introduction of talents in the educational development model and the emphasis on the response and protection of the educational development to the regional economy, the endogenous power and cohesive force of the educational reform in the developed areas are relatively weak. Through the development of education in Kaiqu, we need to realize the transformation of triple advantages: to turn the special policy advantage into the advantages of regional education reform and innovation, so as to make Jingkai District become the highland of science and education in our country; Turn the regional economic advantage into the talent agglomeration advantage, so that the service of education in the developed areas, the value of security gradually to enhance to highlight the regional attractiveness of the leading value; The spiritual and cultural superiority of "dare to be the first in the world" is transformed into the cultural advantage of educational reform, and the unique regional sample of comprehensive education reform is constructed actively. The development experience and train of thought not only have certain model or reference value for the development of regional education such as industrial park, high-tech industrial development zone, border economic cooperation zone, etc. And it may also have a reference value for other types of regions.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学教育学院教育学系;浙江大学教育学院;
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