[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information in the 21st century, network information technology and mobile communication equipment are becoming more and more mature, and a series of information things, such as Weibo, have appeared that affect human life, work and study. WeChat and other miniaturized social software and a series of fragmented information knowledge. As a new type of curriculum resource which combines information technology and educational subject field in the information age, microcourses are applied to teaching, one is to conform to the trend of the development of the educational information age, the other is to enrich the curriculum resources and means. History as one of the indispensable subjects in the field of basic education, the exploration of the use of history microcourses in senior high school also reflects the development needs of the times and the diversification of curriculum resources. This paper discusses the application of history microclass in senior high school by the methods of literature, case analysis and questionnaire. This paper starts with the concept of "micro-lesson". Firstly, it interprets the meaning of micro-lesson, clarifies the concept of micro-class in senior high school, compares the difference between micro-lesson and traditional history lesson, and probes into the basis of its application. Secondly, it focuses on the design of history micro-lesson, including how to choose the subject of history micro-lesson, establish the subject, collect the material, write the model and so on. On the basis of the design of history microcourse, the operation flow of microcourse teaching is as follows: to distribute the task sheet of history micro-lesson, to study independently before class, and to collect the learning feedback. Then, the application and effect of history micro-class in senior high school are demonstrated by the case of pre-and post-class application of history micro-class in senior high school. Finally, on the basis of two kinds of cases, this paper makes a questionnaire survey on the teachers and students who use the history microcourse teaching in senior high school, and then grasps the use and cognitive attitude of the teachers and students to the history micro-lesson teaching, and probes into the value of the application of the history micro-lesson in the senior high school. In the case of pursuing the upsurge of microlessons, we should keep a calm and think about the problems existing in the teaching of history microcourses in senior high school, such as the lack of the characteristics of "humanism" in the history subject, and the difficulty in achieving the high level historical cognitive goals. Aiming at the problem of history microlesson in senior high school, the paper puts forward some suggestions for the development of history microlesson and its application prospect. The ideal teaching of history microcourse in the future should be combined with the traditional face-to-face teaching method and adopt the mixed learning mode of offline and on-line. Then turn over the classroom and realize the new classroom of "teacher leading and student main body" to promote the students' all-round development.
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