[Abstract]:The policy design of the children education of migrant workers must be based on the grasp of the main body of interest which is closely related to the education of the children of migrant workers. The author holds that the main body of interest related to the education of the children of migrant workers mainly includes the citizens, migrant workers, the state-central government and the state-local areas. On the basis of the protection of children's education, the citizen highlights the characteristics of exclusion of migrant workers' children from moving into the city to receive education, while migrant workers, especially the new generation of migrant workers, tend to let their children go to the city with their children to receive education. The state-central government focuses on rural education from the perspective of optimizing the allocation of educational resources, and the state-local government tends to take rural education as a burden. In the policy design concerning the education of migrant workers' children, insufficient attention is paid to the interest demands of these stakeholders. In order to construct and design the educational policy of migrant workers' children in accordance with educational fairness, the emphasis is to carry out the principle of compensation so as to balance the expression of the interests of various stakeholders.
【作者单位】: 华中农业大学马克思主义学院;武汉大学社会学系;
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