[Abstract]:The choice of educational value is bound to be closely related to the development of society. It is the value problem that Chinese educators must think about today, which is to wake up the subjective consciousness and realize the all-round development of human beings, and on this basis to realize the harmonious development between people and society, and to realize the unity of individual value and social value. Based on the deep thinking of these problems, the education of the fourth Middle School in Beijing today pays more attention to the cultivation of human spirit and soul. Years of educational practice have made us realize that the educational method of separation of subjects is inefficient and often fails to make us receive the expected educational effect. In fact, education is to take the element of education as a value and permeate it into teachers' teaching and school activities. This kind of education is a kind of silent education. Life education, vocational education, civic education and life education are the best contents and ways to realize the fusion education.
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