[Abstract]:The coordination of comprehensive educational reform has six connotations: first, strategic coordination is the soul, which emphasizes the isomorphism of educational strategy and national overall strategy, the coordination with other social reforms, and the internal harmony of educational strategy; Second, policy synergy is the key, which emphasizes the cooperation between education policy and national education strategy, cooperation with other social reform policies, and self-consistency within education policy; Third, organizational collaboration is the power source, which emphasizes the cooperation between educational administration and other government departments, the multi-party linkage between schools and the government, the family, scientific research institutions, and the market, as well as the interconnection between schools at all levels and all kinds of schools; Fourthly, knowledge synergy is the support of intelligence, which emphasizes the coordination of knowledge to policy, the sharing of knowledge among organizations, the compromise between theories, and the curriculum coordination between subjects. Fifth, the coordination of resources is the basic condition, which emphasizes the cooperation of educational resources to educational policies, the mutual cooperation of educational resources and knowledge, and the organic integration of all kinds of educational resources; Sixth, node coordination is the focal point, which emphasizes that the basic elements such as strategy, organization, policy, knowledge, resources and so on should establish an all-round cooperative alliance for tackling key problems around the bottleneck of educational development.
【作者单位】: 渤海大学教育学院;
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