发布时间:2017-08-29 00:33
【关键词】:课程设置 需求分析 专门用途英语 商务英语
- Abstract5-6
- 摘要6-7
- List of Abbreviations7-13
- Chapter One Introduction13-18
- 1.1 Background of the research14
- 1.2 Statement of problems14-15
- 1.3 Significance of the research15-16
- 1.4 Research questions and methods16
- 1.5 Organization of the thesis16-18
- Chapter Two Literature Review18-40
- 2.1 Curriculum design18-25
- 2.1.1 Definitions of curriculum, and its relationship with syllabus and course18-19
- 2.1.2 General conception of curriculum design19-20
- 2.1.3 Models of curriculum design20-21
- 2.1.4 Components in ESP curriculum design21-24
- 2.1.5 Approaches to ESP curriculum design24-25
- 2.2 English for Specific Purposes (ESP)25-30
- 2.2.1 Origin, development and definitions of ESP26-27
- The origins of ESP26
- The development and definitions of ESP26-27
- 2.2.2 Classification of ESP27-28
- 2.2.3 ESP and EGP28-29
- 2.2.4 Business English from the perspective of ESP29
- 2.2.5 Characteristics and classifications of Business English29-30
- 2.3 Needs analysis30-38
- 2.3.1 Definitions and classifications of needs30-32
- Definitions of needs30-31
- Classifications of needs31-32
- 2.3.2 Definitions and significance of needs analysis32-33
- Definitions of needs analysis32-33
- Significance of needs analysis33
- 2.3.3 Models of needs analysis33-38
- Target Situation Analysis (TSA)34-35
- Present Situation Analysis (PSA)35
- Hutchinson and Water's model of needs analysis35-36
- Dudley Evans and St. John's model of needs analysis36-37
- Brindley's models for needs analysis37-38
- 2.4 Recent studies of needs analysis of curriculum design for Business Englishteaching38-40
- Chapter Three Research Methodology40-44
- 3.1 Restatement of research questions40
- 3.2 Subjects40
- 3.3 Instruments40-42
- 3.3.1 Questionnaire41-42
- 3.3.2 Interview42
- 3.4 Data collection procedures and data analysis42-44
- 3.4.1 Pilot study43
- 3.4.2 Administration of the survey43
- 3.4.3 Data analysis43-44
- Chapter Four Results and Discussions44-56
- 4.1 Descriptive results of students' English learning needs44-49
- 4.1.1 General descriptive results of the importance of language skills44-45
- 4.1.2 Specific descriptive results of the importance of language skills45-49
- The importance of language skills—reading45-47
- The importance of language skills—writing47
- The importance of language skills—listening comprehension47-48
- The importance of language skills—speaking48-49
- 4.2 Status quo of the students' English proficiency49-53
- 4.2.1 Status quo of the students' language skills50-51
- 4.2.2 Status quo of the students' vocabulary51-53
- 4.3 Descriptive results of students' evaluation on the present Business Englishcurriculum53-56
- Chapter Five Conclusions56-62
- 5.1 Conclusions56-58
- 5.2 Implications of the study58-59
- 5.3 Suggestions for future study59-62
- 5.3.1 Limitations of the study60
- 5.3.2 Recommendations for future research60-62
- Bibliography62-67
- Appendix67-71
- Acknowledgements71
中国期刊全文数据库 前3条
1 张武保;;商务英语专业本源论及动态模式[J];华北水利水电学院学报(社科版);2011年03期
2 陈准民;王立非;;解读《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学要求》(试行)[J];中国外语;2009年04期
3 张雪梅;;大学英语写作教学现状之调查[J];外语界;2006年05期