本文关键词: 榜样 榜样教育 有效性 研究 出处:《长安大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 榜样教育是一种历久弥新的一种教育方法,在中外教育史上都曾发挥了净化心灵、弘扬正气、纠正社会风气、凝聚民心等积极作用。但随着时代的变迁、环境的复杂化、受教育者教育程度的提高,榜样教育的效果同以往相比,在一定程度上受到了削弱。因此,必须在以往榜样教育研究的理论成果基础上,对榜样教育的理论问题和运作程序进行相应的研究。这是榜样教育本身发展的要求,也是教育方法适应教育对象思想意识变化的要求,是在新的历史条件下不断增强思想政治教育效果的要求。 榜样教育具有形象性、生活型、个体性的特点,是一种广为使用的教育方法,但个性与共性的矛盾、理想与现实的矛盾、相对稳定与变化的矛盾决定了榜样教育的有限性。在对榜样教育进行了中外比较的基础上,本文认为中国榜样教育存在榜样的认同度低、宣传力度不够、榜样后期培育不完善的问题。榜样教育之所以出现这些问题,主要原因有:榜样教育本身存在的问题是榜样教育弱化的根本原因,主要表现有榜样的选择标准单一化、榜样的整合不到位、榜样宣传的误区、榜样培育不完善。其次环境的变化、榜样教育的递减性、理论研究的落后都导致榜样教育效果的弱化。 优化榜样教育,即针对提出的问题给出对策是全文的重点和落脚点。针对前面提出的榜样教育存在的问题和原因分析,在继承以往成功经验的基础上,本文分别从五个方面提出了对策,第一,提高榜样的有效性,要充分发挥同伴示范作用,提供榜样的相似性、榜样形象要有层次性,同时还要注重榜样形象的可持续发展;第二,榜样选择标准的动态发展,即榜样的选择标准要理想化与生活化结合、全面化与个性化相结合;第三,丰富榜样宣传,在坚持原则的基础上,发展丰富多样宣传方法,例如媒体传播式、巡回演讲式、文艺吸引式、座谈讨论式、参观体验式等,增加受教育者的参与,寓教于乐。第四,加强榜样教育的相关理论研究,在内容上要与时俱进,在方法行要兼容并包;第五,要加强家庭、学校社会的联系,优化榜样教育的环境,建立一个从家庭到学校到社会的连环榜样教育体制。 榜样的力量是无穷的。在构建社会主义和谐社会的历史条件下,更要努力探讨适应时代发展的先进典型榜样教育教育的规律,通过理论创新、模式创新、方式创新,找到一条使榜样教育走出低谷的有效途径,充分发挥榜样教育的功能,促进社会的全面进步和人的自由面全面的发展。
[Abstract]:Example education is an old and new method of education. It has played a positive role in purifying the mind, carrying forward the good spirit, correcting the social atmosphere and condensing the people's feelings in the history of education both at home and abroad. However, with the change of the times, the environment has become more complicated. With the improvement of educatee's educational level, the effect of example education has been weakened to some extent compared with the past. Therefore, it is necessary to build on the theoretical achievements of the previous research on example education. This is the requirement of the development of the model education itself, and it is also the requirement of the educational method to adapt to the change of the ideological consciousness of the object of education. Is under the new historical condition unceasingly enhances the ideological and political education effect the request. Example education has the characteristics of image, life type and individuality. It is a widely used method of education, but the contradiction between individuality and commonness, ideal and reality. The contradiction between relative stability and change determines the limitation of example education. On the basis of the comparison between China and foreign countries, this paper holds that there is a low degree of recognition of role models and insufficient propaganda in China. The main reasons for these problems are: the problem of example education itself is the fundamental cause of the weakening of example education, which mainly shows the singleness of the choice standard of example. Secondly, the change of environment, the decline of example education and the backwardness of theoretical research all lead to the weakening of the effect of model education. To optimize the role model education, that is to say, to give the countermeasures to the problems raised is the focal point and the foothold of the full text. In view of the problems and causes of the example education put forward above, and on the basis of inheriting the previous successful experiences, This paper puts forward countermeasures from five aspects: first, to improve the effectiveness of role models, to give full play to the role of peer demonstration, to provide the similarity of role models, the role of role models must be hierarchical, but also to pay attention to the sustainable development of the image of role models; Second, the dynamic development of the criteria for the selection of role models, that is, the criteria for the selection of role models should be idealized with life, comprehensive and individualized; third, the promotion of examples should be enriched, and on the basis of adhering to the principle, rich and diverse methods of publicity should be developed. For example, media dissemination, lecture tour, literature and art attraction, discussion and discussion, visiting experience, etc., increase the participation of the educated, teach in 4th, strengthen the relevant theoretical research of model education, and keep pace with the times in content. In 5th, we should strengthen the connection between family and school society, optimize the environment of example education, and establish a serial example education system from family to school to society. Under the historical conditions of building a harmonious socialist society, we should make great efforts to explore the laws of education of advanced and typical role models that adapt to the development of the times, and innovate through theoretical innovation, mode innovation and mode innovation. To find an effective way to make example education come out of the trough, give full play to the function of example education, and promote the overall progress of society and the all-round development of human freedom.
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