本文选题:中小学教师 + 教师网络素养 ; 参考:《河南大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:教师网络素养是随着网络与网络技术在教育教学领域中的广泛应用而被提出的新概念,它是教师信息素养的重要组成部分,对教师网络素养的研究具有十分重大的理论及实践意义。从理论层面上讲,深入研究教师网络素养可以丰富教师信息素养的研究理论,为培养与提高教师信息素养提供更多的理论依据。从实践层面上讲,深入研究教师网络素养以培养和提高教师的网络素养,不但对培养信息化人才、实现国家信息化具有重大意义,而且对促进教学模式改革、实现网络教学也具有实践价值。随着我国基础教育信息化的快速发展,中小学教师网络素养的培养已是当务之急。本文在对教师网络素养的概念进行界定的基础上,结合问卷调查和访谈,对中小学教师网络素养的现状与培养策略进行研究。 论文共分三部分: 第一部分对教师网络素养的概念进行界定。首先界定了网络素养的概念与内涵。其次对网络素养与信息素养的关系进行深入分析,提出网络素养是信息素养的核心组成部分。再次对教师网络素养的内涵、结构体系及特征进行探讨。认为教师网络素养是在一定网络知识的基础上,能够有意识的接触网络、使用网络并通过网络进行与自身学科相关的教学与研究,同时遵守网络规则,具备网络道德的一种综合体。其内涵包括网络知识、网络意识、网络道德与网络能力四个方面。在内涵结构体系中网络知识是基础,网络意识是动力,网络道德是保障,网络能力是核心。专业性、发展性、层次性与融合性是教师网络素养的特征。 第二部分对中小学教师网络素养的现状进行了调查与分析。在河南省部分中小学进行了“教师网络素养现状”的问卷与访谈调查,并采用了 SPSS for Windows 11.0 统计软件对回收的问卷资料进行统计分析处理。调查结果显示:当前中小学教师的网络素养呈结构不均衡状态,整体素养偏低。多数教师具备一定的网络基础知识,并具有较好的网络意识与网络道德,但是网络素养的核心部分——网络
[Abstract]:The teachers' network literacy is a new concept with the wide application of network technology in the field of education in the teaching has been proposed, it is an important part of teachers' information literacy, it has important theoretical and practical significance to research on the teachers' network literacy. In theory, the theory of in-depth study of the teachers' network literacy can enrich teachers' information literacy, to provide more theoretical basis for training and improving teachers' information literacy. In practice, in-depth study of the teachers' network literacy training and improve teachers' network literacy, not only to cultivate talents, realize national informatization is of great significance, but also to promote the reform of the teaching mode, network teaching also has practice value. With the rapid development of China's basic education information, it is a pressing matter of the moment cultivation of teachers' Network Literacy in primary and middle schools. Based on the teaching On the basis of the definition of the concept of teachers' network literacy, the present situation and training strategies of primary and secondary school teachers' network literacy are studied with questionnaires and interviews.
The thesis is divided into three parts:
The first part defines the concept of teachers' network literacy. First defines the concept and connotation of network literacy. Then in-depth analysis of the relationship between the network literacy and information literacy, the network literacy is a key component of the information literacy. Again the connotation of the teachers' network literacy, discusses the structure and characteristics of teachers' network. Literacy is based on some network knowledge, can contact network conscious, and use of network teaching and research and its related disciplines through the network, and to abide by the rule of the network has a complex network morality. Its connotation includes network knowledge, network awareness, four aspects of network moral and network capacity. In the content structure system of network knowledge is the foundation, the network consciousness is dynamic, network morality is the guarantee, the network capacity is the core. The professional development, and the level of integration. Sex is the feature of teachers' network literacy.
The investigation and analysis of the second part of the status of teachers' Network Literacy in primary and middle schools. The questionnaire and interview of teachers' Network Literacy in primary and middle schools in Henan Province, and using the SPSS for questionnaire Windows 11 statistical software to recover the statistical analysis. The survey results showed that: the current primary and secondary school teachers the network literacy is in an unbalanced state, the overall low quality. Most of the teachers have certain basic knowledge of network, and network network moral consciousness and good, but the core part of the network, network literacy
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