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发布时间:2018-07-25 10:09
【摘要】: 近些年来,教育界、学术界对中国少数民族教育倍为关注,在深入探讨各民族教育的过去、现在与未来的同时,取得了一定的研究成果。其中回族教育,因其人口众多、分布甚广,且较好地继承了本民族传统文化,而更受重视。近代宁夏,作为回族之乡,无论是就其传承伊斯兰教文化为主的宗教教育而言,还是以其普及大众文化知识的国民教育而论,都在西北乃至全国有一定的影响力。因而,研究宁夏近代教育的发展历程,为近代回族教育研究及少数民族地区教育史研究打开了一扇窗口,提供了典型范例。对于今天西部民族地区教育的发展与创新,均有重要的学术价值和现实意义。 本文在立足于发掘和整理近代第一手文献资料基础上,广泛汲取前人研究成果,试图对宁夏近代教育进行全面研究。按照宁夏各民族国民教育与宗教教育的近代化进程,将全篇分为五章,加以论述: 第一章,清末新政前的宁夏社会与教育状况。同治年后,宁夏人口锐减,清政府为加强对宁夏回族的统治,强行迁徙众多回族到宁夏穷山僻壤之地,造成宁夏回民聚居地区教育严重落后,以及教育发展严重不均衡等问题。清末新政前,宁夏府州县学、书院、社学、义学以及私塾都是为科举服务,注重伦理道德教育,轻视生产技能培养。宁夏经堂教育重在为清真寺培养宗教职业人士,小学主要学习阿拉伯语和一般宗教知识,大学学习伊斯兰教经典、教义和教法等。教会教育,围绕经言要理,实施汉语识字教育等。这时期,宁夏回族子弟就学经堂教育的多,去官学、社学、义学的少,这样使得宁夏回汉各民族接受普通文化知识教育的距离拉开了。 第二章,从清末新政到1929年宁夏建省前,宁夏近代教育的产生与初步发展。光绪二十九年(1903年),宁夏改满城书院为驻防满营两等小学堂,开启了宁夏近代教育的先河。此后的近30年,宁夏普通教育,尤其是宁夏回族普通教育在多方人士的推动下,近代化教育逐渐开展。这一时期宁夏兴办学校,无不渗透着回汉各民族团结合作、共创教育未来的新气象。许多清真学校聘请汉族教员任教,学生入学也是回汉兼收。同时,入读普通小学校的回族学生也有增加。与此同时,宁夏经堂教育虽身处社会转型期的教育变革大潮中,但因其教育自身的封闭性而一时难于适应性地向前变化发展。 第三、第四、第五章,以专题形式,分别论述宁夏建省后的教育政策与教育管理;讨论建省后宁夏国民教育的进一步发展;探讨建省后宁夏学校式社会教育、变革的经堂教育与教会教育。 1929年宁夏建省后,作为边疆省份,其教育政策主要倾斜于边疆教育政策与义务教育政策。边疆教育的首要任务就是化特殊为相同,以期达到各民族教育的平等、统一发展。义务教育政策,是逐级将普及一年、二年乃至四年儿童义务教育与推广民众识字、扫除文盲等的社会教育紧密联系在一起。然而教育政策的正确制定不能代表教育政策的顺利实施,这里很大程度上受限于教育行政管理的作用。建省后,宁夏教育行政机构虽逐步建立健全,但因教育经费极其有限,所谓教育行政机构的管理也只能是巧妇难于无米之炊。 宁夏国民教育,以其建省后接受初等、中等、高等教育的人数来看,呈现金字塔式的发展状况。初等教育,以普及义务教育为中心向着规模化方向发展,施教对象不仅面向学龄儿童,而且辅助广大失学民众受教育;中等教育,发展空间不大,仅拓展有职业技术教育、师范教育及中学教育等;所谓高等教育,只是宁夏当地政府利用外在教育资源培养本地学生接受国内留学与国外留学教育,而宁夏本省内并未建立起实质性的高等院校。 就学校式的社会教育而言,宁夏建省后入学民众虽年有增加,但与预期目标相去甚远。宁夏经堂教育在变革道路上出现了诸多问题,但变革的结果使宁夏经堂教育大大向前迈进一步。与此同时,宁夏教会教育也适时调整了教育方针、办学形式和方法,进而得到发展。 总之,宁夏教育在近代化的历程中,既体现有与西北乃至全国其他省份相类似的教育共性,同时又因其特殊的人文地理环境与社会历史发展背景而独显其近代教育特色。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the educational and academic circles have paid more attention to the education of ethnic minorities in China. It has made certain research achievements in the past, now and the future, in which the education of the ethnic groups has been deeply explored. The hometown of Hui nationality, in terms of its religious education, which inherit Islam culture, or the national education which popularized the knowledge of mass culture, has certain influence in the northwest and even the whole country. Therefore, it studies the development course of modern education in Ningxia, and plays a role in the research of modern Hui nationality education and the study of education history in minority areas. It opens a window and provides a typical example. It has important academic value and practical significance for the development and innovation of education in the western minority areas today.
On the basis of excavating and sorting out the first hand literature of modern times, this paper extensively draws on the achievements of previous studies and tries to carry out a comprehensive study of modern education in Ningxia. According to the process of the modernization of national education and religious education in Ningxia, the whole article is divided into five chapters.
In the first chapter, the state of Ningxia's society and education before the new policy of the late Qing Dynasty. After the same period, the population of Ningxia was sharply reduced. In order to strengthen the reign of the Hui people in Ningxia, the Qing government moved many Hui ethnic groups to the remote and remote areas of Ningxia, which resulted in the serious backwardness of education in the region of the Hui people in Ningxia and the serious unbalance of the development of education and education. Before the new policy of the late Qing Dynasty, Ningxia was in Ningxia. Prefectures, academies, academies, social studies, righteous schools and private schools all serve the imperial examination, pay attention to ethical and moral education, and despise production skills training. The Ningxia Scripture education focuses on training religious professionals for the mosques. Primary schools mainly study Arabic and general religious knowledge, university studies of Islamic classics, teachings and teachings. In this period, the children of the Hui nationality in Ningxia have learned more from the hall of Confucian classics and went to the official school, social science and learning, so that the distance between the people of Ningxia and the Han nationalities to receive the education of common cultural knowledge has been opened.
The second chapter, from the new deal in the late Qing Dynasty to the construction of Ningxia Province in 1929, the emergence and preliminary development of modern education in Ningxia. The Guangxu twenty-nine years (1903), the Ningxia Manchu academy as the garrison two small schools, opened the precedent of the modern education in Ningxia. In the next 30 years, the general education of Ningxia, especially the general education of the Ningxia Hui nationality, is in many people. Under the impetus, modern education has been gradually carried out. In this period, the establishment of schools in Ningxia has permeated the new weather for the unity and cooperation of all ethnic groups and the future of education. Many Muslim schools employ Han teachers to teach. Students are also returned to the Han Dynasty. At the same time, the Hui students who read ordinary primary schools also increase. At the same time, the Ningxia classics Hall Although education is in the tide of educational transformation in the period of social transformation, it is difficult to adapt itself to changes and development because of its closeness in education.
The third, fourth, and fifth chapters, in the form of thematic, discuss the education policy and education management of Ningxia province after building the province, discuss the further development of Ningxia national education after the construction of province, and discuss the school type social education in Ningxia after building the province, the reform of the church education and the church education.
As a frontier province in Ningxia in 1929, as a frontier province, its educational policy is mainly inclined to the border education policy and the compulsory education policy. The primary task of the frontier education is to make the same as the same, in order to achieve the equal and unified development of all ethnic groups. The compulsory education policy is to popularize one year, two or four years of compulsory education and the compulsory education of children. Social education, such as popularizing people's literacy and eliminating illiteracy, is closely linked. However, the correct formulation of educational policies can not represent the smooth implementation of educational policies. This is largely limited to the role of educational administration. After the construction of the province, the educational administration in Ningxia has been gradually built and improved, but the education funds are very limited, so called teaching. The administration of administrative institutions can only be made by clever women.
The national education in Ningxia, based on the number of primary, secondary and higher education after the construction of the province, presents the development of the pyramid. Primary education, with the center of universal compulsory education, is developing in the direction of scale. The object of education is not only for school-age children, but also to the education of the people who have lost school. The development of Vocational and technical education, normal education and secondary education, and so on. The so-called higher education is only the local government of Ningxia to use external education resources to cultivate local students to accept the domestic study and foreign education, and Ningxia has not established a substantive higher education in this province.
As far as the school type of social education is concerned, although the enrollment of Ningxia after the construction of the province has increased, it is far from the expected goal. There are many problems in the road of reform in Ningxia, but the result of the reform has made the education of Ningxia a great further step forward. At the same time, the education policy of Ningxia education society has also adjusted the educational policy in a timely manner and run a school. Form and method, and then develop.
In a word, Ningxia education, in the course of modernization, not only embodies the similar educational generality with the northwest and other provinces in the country, but also shows its modern educational characteristics only because of its special cultural and geographical environment and the background of social and historical development.


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