[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern information technology represented by multimedia and network technology, modern distance education has become an important teaching method and teaching means in the information age. In particular, the full-time distance-broadcast teaching in middle schools in recent years embodies the multi-faceted development of modern distance education. As a new type of teaching method, distance broadcast teaching impacts on the traditional teaching mode with its huge educational advantages and makes the traditional teaching face great challenges. However, there are still many problems to be solved in the course of teaching practice. Based on the analysis of the similarities and differences between the responsibilities of senior high school chemistry teachers in traditional teaching and those of high school chemistry teachers in distance direct broadcast teaching, this subject takes the third year long distance direct broadcast class of Yunjinghong Middle School as the research object, through teaching research and teaching practice. This paper discusses the ways and means of how to fulfill the responsibility of chemistry teachers in the distance direct broadcast teaching, so that the students in the borderland minority areas can enjoy the high quality educational and teaching resources in the developed areas.
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