[Abstract]:In line with the new classroom culture of the new curriculum reform in our country, we should pay attention to the promoting role of the classroom to the growth of students, especially to the harmonious development of the peer ethics relationship of the middle school students in the classroom learning. As the common ethics of classroom learning, student peer ethics emphasizes the rational adjustment of the relationship between students in the classroom learning community and the formation of moral responsibility. In view of the current situation that students' peer ethics is out of harmony and alienated from emotional relations, grades of achievement authority and narrow learning competition relations, we should build a harmonious new type of peer ethics relationship, namely unity and cooperation, and we should build a harmonious new type of peer ethics relationship, that is, unity and cooperation. Equality and respect, conflict and responsibility, in order to guide students to understand and learn to learn, improve their personality development.
【作者单位】: 河南师范大学教育科学学院;
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