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发布时间:2018-02-14 01:48

  本文关键词: 农村学校 优秀人才 激励机制 出处:《四川师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 俗话说:“师高弟子强”、“名师出高徒”,只有高素质的教师才能够培养出高素质的学生。教育要发展,教师是关键。新农村建设的重点之一是发展农村教育事业,而农村教育事业的最大希望在于农村中小学教师,农村学校教师是农村教育发展最重要的人力资源和第一推动力。然而,由于历史与现实的诸多原因,在我国许多农村学校,教师队伍普遍存在着数量不足、年龄老化、教师学历不达标、教师素质低下和教师流失严重、教师队伍不稳定等问题。这些问题直接影响着我国新农村建设目标的实现,教育的普及与提高,社会的公正与稳定。 而我国农村学校数量、在校生人数都占全国学校数量、在校生人数的极大比重(2006年,农村小学和初中学校数量占全国义务教育阶段学校总数的82.13%;农村小学和初中学校在校生人数占全国义务教育阶段在校生总数的55.50%)。农村学校的教育质量和教育水平,制约着我国农村教育事业的发展,影响着中华民族整体素质和文化水平的提高与进步,影响着社会主义现代化事业的健康发展和全面小康社会建设的进程。所以吸引优秀人才到农村学校从教具有极为重要的现实意义。 本文拟从我国农村中小学教师队伍存在的问题,影响农村中小学教师流失的内外部因素,国外、国内吸引优秀人才到偏僻、教学水平落后地区任教相关激励机制等方面,挖掘我国大多数农村学校不能吸引优秀人才及留不住优秀人才长期从教、终身从教的深层原因,进一步诠释事业留人、感情留人、待遇留人的具体含义和表现,并提出相应的策略与建议,为有关决策部门制定政策提供借鉴和参考。以有利于有关决策部门采取更有效的激励机制吸引优秀人才到农村学校当教师,吸引优秀人才到农村学校长期从教,终身从教;以有利于有关决策部门采取更有效的激励机制加快农村学校教师队伍的建设,减少农村学校教师的流失、稳定农村学校教师队伍,维护我国农村教育的公平,促进我国农村教育事业更快、更好的发展。
[Abstract]:As the saying goes, "high teachers are strong students" and "famous teachers are high students". Only high quality teachers can cultivate high quality students. Teachers are the key to the development of education. One of the key points in the construction of new countryside is to develop rural education. The greatest hope of rural education lies in rural primary and secondary school teachers, who are the most important human resources and the first driving force in the development of rural education. However, for many reasons of history and reality, many rural schools in China, There are many problems in the teaching staff, such as shortage of teachers, aging of age, substandard of teachers' academic qualifications, low quality of teachers, serious loss of teachers, instability of teachers' ranks, and so on. These problems directly affect the realization of the goal of new rural construction in China. The popularization and improvement of education and social justice and stability. In 2006, the number of rural schools in China and the number of students in schools accounted for a large proportion of the total number of schools in the country. The number of primary and junior middle schools in rural areas accounts for 82.13% of the total number of schools in the compulsory education stage of the country; the number of students in rural primary and junior middle schools accounts for 55.50% of the total number of students in the compulsory education stage of the country. It restricts the development of rural education in China, and affects the improvement and progress of the overall quality and cultural level of the Chinese nation. It affects the healthy development of socialist modernization and the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, so it is of great practical significance to attract talented people to teach in rural schools. This paper intends to analyze the problems of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools, the internal and external factors affecting the loss of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools, and the incentive mechanism to attract outstanding talents to remote and backward teaching areas at home and abroad. To dig out the deep reasons why most rural schools in our country cannot attract and retain outstanding talents for a long period of time and teach for life, and further explain the specific meaning and performance of retaining people in career, in emotion and in treatment. And put forward the corresponding strategies and suggestions to provide reference and reference for the relevant decision-making departments to formulate policies, so as to help the relevant decision-making departments to adopt more effective incentive mechanism to attract outstanding talents to become teachers in rural schools. To attract outstanding talents to teach in rural schools for a long period of time and to teach all their lives, and to speed up the construction of rural school teachers and reduce the loss of teachers in rural schools by adopting more effective incentive mechanisms for relevant decision-making departments, To stabilize the teaching staff of rural schools, to maintain the fairness of rural education, and to promote the development of rural education in China faster and better.


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7 闫t焧,




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