本文选题:初中生 + 同伴亲密关系满意感 ; 参考:《河南大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 在对有关文献研究的基础上,本研究以中国本土文化为背景,以河南省初中生为被试,运用开放式问卷调查法和访谈法收集问卷的项目,在对结果进行项目分析和因素分析的基础上,最终编制成初中生同伴亲密关系满意感问卷,并采用t检验和方差分析统计方法对人口统计学变量在同伴亲密关系满意感及各维度上的差异进行了比较和分析。本研究同时对初中生同伴亲密关系满意感和同伴依恋、同伴间自我表露三者之间的关系进行了研究。本研究得出的主要结论有: (1)初中生同伴亲密关系满意感由三个维度构成:互利支持、差异冲突和道德品行。 (2)对自编的初中生同伴亲密关系满意感问卷的性能分析显示,本问卷具有较高的信度和效度。 (3)初中生对自己的同伴亲密关系普遍比较满意,同伴亲密关系满意感在性别、家庭月收入、是否为独生子女等变量上没有显著性差异,在不同年级和家庭所在地等变量上差异显著。 (4)安全型同伴依恋的初中生同伴亲密关系满意感水平显著高于其他非安全型同伴依恋的初中生。 (5)同伴间自我表露在同伴依恋与同伴亲密关系满意感中起着部分中介变量的作用。
[Abstract]:On the basis of the relevant literature research, this research takes the Chinese native culture as the background, takes Henan junior high school students as the subjects, uses the open questionnaire survey method and the interview method to collect the questionnaire item. On the basis of item analysis and factor analysis of the results, a questionnaire on peer intimate relationship satisfaction of junior high school students was developed. T test and ANOVA were used to compare and analyze the differences of demographic variables in peer intimacy satisfaction and different dimensions. At the same time, the relationship between peer intimate relationship satisfaction, peer attachment and self-disclosure among junior high school students was studied. The main conclusions of this study are: Junior high school students' intimate relationship satisfaction consists of three dimensions: mutual-benefit support, conflict of differences and moral conduct. 2) the performance analysis of self-designed questionnaire on peer intimate relationship satisfaction of junior high school students shows that this questionnaire has high reliability and validity. 3) the junior middle school students were generally satisfied with their intimate relationship with their peers. There was no significant difference in gender, monthly income of the family, whether they were the only child, etc. There were significant differences in variables such as grade and family location. 4) the level of satisfaction of peer intimate relationship of junior high school students with secure peer attachment was significantly higher than that of other non-safety peer attachment junior high school students. 5) Peer self-disclosure plays a part of intermediary variable in peer attachment and peer intimate relationship satisfaction.
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