[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the characteristics of college students' loneliness and their relationship with attachment self-others model and self-esteem. Methods: using UCLA Lonely scale Rosenberg Self-esteem scale and attachment Type questionnaire, 500 college students were investigated. Results there was a significant gender difference in loneliness between male students and female students. There was a significant correlation between self-others model and loneliness and self-esteem in male students compared with female students (2.2-attachment). The significant test of correlation coefficient showed that there were significant differences in loneliness and self-esteem between male students and female students. The relationship between self model and loneliness, self-esteem. 3 attachment self-others model has significant predictive effect on college students' loneliness. After controlling attachment, the predictive effect of self-esteem on loneliness is still significant. Self-esteem plays an intermediary role between self-model of attachment and loneliness. Conclusion: self-work model of attachment can significantly predict college students' loneliness, and self-esteem plays an intermediary role between them.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学心理学院;
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