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发布时间:2018-11-15 07:42
【摘要】: 教育公平是社会主义制度优越性的客观要求和必然反映。改革开放以来,我国在促进教育公平方面的关注日益升温。加强农村义务教育、深化农村义务教育改革,发展农村教育事业,是新农村建设和实践科学发展观的要求,是构建和谐社会的目标,研究如何在科学发展观的指导下实现农村教育公平在现实中具有重要意义。自2003年国务院召开了新中国建立以来第一次全国农村教育工作会议,明确了农村教育是整个教育工作中重中之重的战略地位以后,农村教育的硬件设施和软件条件都有所改善,但依然存在许多问题。 用科学发展观指导农村教育公平发展具有重要意义,它确立了农村教育发展的价值导向,指明了农村教育发展的根本途径,为农村教育公平发展提供了方法论指导。在现实中,农村教育公平问题主要表现在教育基础薄弱,经费投入不足,教师水平不高,教育差距较大等问题。究其原因,主要是由于教育资源配置失衡,财政支付体制不完善等因素引起的。 在科学发展观指导下,实现农村教育公平的途径主要是发展农村经济,完善相关法制建设,创新教育管理体制等。
[Abstract]:Educational fairness is the objective requirement and inevitable reflection of the superiority of socialist system. Since the reform and opening up, our country in the promotion of education equity concerns are increasing. Strengthening rural compulsory education, deepening the reform of rural compulsory education and developing rural education are the requirements of the construction of new countryside and the practice of scientific development view, and the goal of building a harmonious society. It is of great significance to study how to realize the equity of rural education under the guidance of the scientific development view. Since the State Council held the first national rural education work conference since the founding of New China in 2003, it has been clear that rural education is the most important strategic position in the whole education work, and the hardware and software conditions of rural education have been improved. But there are still many problems. It is of great significance to use the scientific concept of development to guide the fair development of rural education. It establishes the value orientation of the development of rural education, points out the fundamental approach to the development of rural education, and provides methodological guidance for the fair development of rural education. In reality, the problems of education equity in rural areas are mainly reflected in the weak educational foundation, the insufficient investment of funds, the low level of teachers and the large gap in education. The reasons are mainly caused by the imbalance of educational resources allocation and the imperfection of financial payment system. Under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the main ways to realize the equity of rural education are to develop the rural economy, perfect the related legal system, and innovate the educational management system.


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