[Abstract]:How far is it from a high-quality school to an ideal school? How do I find an entry point? How to turn "should" homework into what students really "like"? How to make efficient use of library resources and turn it into a flowing "book fragrance"? How to cast off the "shadow" of technology, use the network platform to influence and change the school's management concept? How can the classroom be a little closer to the actual situation of the students, and a little closer. These headache "old" questions are precisely "new" starting point, are the seed of brewing change. For reference questions, let's take a look at the answer papers handed over by the experimental schools after their actions: reform the form and content of homework, expand its connotation and extension, and form characteristic assignments, then we can turn "should" into what students "like." And it has a great influence on its learning style; A small "operation" on the library, the mobile "valve" opened, the fragrance of books into the school characteristics of the curriculum; think of the use of the network, the school management of the change is no less than a revolution; If the school culture really regards the student culture as "the protagonist", it is possible to convey it in the form that children like to see. If the school culture changes the field of activities on campus and releases the individuality of teachers and students, the school can become a paradise and home for learning and living. The "new" of the solution lies not in the new appearance or slogan, but in the thought and train of thought of the development of the school's personality. May more schools learn from these programs.
【作者单位】: 北大附中广州实验学校;
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