本文关键词: 中学 心理健康教育 上海 历史 出处:《华东师范大学》2007年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 近年来,中学心理健康教育无论在学术界还是在社会舆论界都受到较多关注,在实践方面已经取得许多成绩;同时,,学者们研究心理健康教育(包括心理咨询)的理论方法的文章也日渐增多。可在这些研究中,关于中学心理健康教育的历史研究几乎是一片空白。研究者认为在轰轰烈烈的现象背后,有必要对中学心理健康教育的历史进行回顾。系统的历史反思将有助于相关教育工作者清醒的认识学校心理健康教育,并对该项教育的未来发展有更切实的规划和举措;进而推动我国还不太成熟的心理健康教育工作,使全社会来关心青少年的心理健康。 上海是全国最早开展中学心理健康教育的城市之一,也是取得成效最大、实施最为规范的城市。上海中学心理健康教育在全国的特殊地位决定了对其进行历史研究将具有现实意义,能够为全国其他城市心理健康教育的开展提供可以借鉴的模式及经验。同时作者受个人研究精力所限,遂把研究地域圈定在上海。 本文作者借助大量详实深入的口述史、背景资料、纪念物和文献检索与分析等方法系统再现了上海中学心理健康教育的历史,填补心理健康教育历史研究的空白。 论文分成四部分: 第一部分是研究背景,主要介绍论文研究意义、研究方法、研究分析框架、历史分期标准、对论文核心概念(心理健康教育)的澄清等等问题。 第二部分是从宏观上对上海中学心理健康教育二十年进行历史回顾,这是论文的核心和主干。本文把上海心理健康教育的历史分成三个阶段,并对各阶段心理健康教育的开展情况进行了详细阐述。第一阶段:萌芽期(1985-1989),心理健康教育表现为部分教师自发的个别行动;第二阶段:建设期(1989-1998),个别活动变成有组织的民间活动,上海市中小学心理辅导协会作为行会成立,并在上海心理健康教育中起到重要作用;第三阶段:普及期(1999至今),上海中学心理健康教育在上海市教委领导下开始进入全方位普及阶段,已经涉及各个学校、各个层面。 第三部分是个案研究,作者从宏大叙述转为经验诠释。本文共选择三个个案:风华中学、杨彦平、A中学。这三个个案分别呈现了上海中学心理健康教育的三个角度。风华中学作为上海较早开展心理健康教育、同时始终把心理健康教育坚持到今天的学校,它的心理健康教育历史可以贯穿整个上海心理健康教育的历史,是后者的一个缩影。通过对这个个案的描述和研究,可以让我们以另一视角进入上海心理健康教育的历史中。杨彦平老师是上海市徐汇区第一个专职心理教师。从本科毕业生到资深心理教师,可以看到一个心理教师在一所学校中起到的作用,同时也使我们了解心理老师的心路历程。A中学是心理健康教育普及后的一个普通学校,更能反映上海心理健康教育的真实面貌。作者希望通过这三个个案尽量涵盖研究者或者读者所有细节上会提出的问题,以使历史生动深刻的呈现出来。 第四部分是问题讨论和建议。对上海中学心理健康教育的历史进行考察后,研究者就心理健康教育在学校中的定位、心理健康教育的大众看法、心理健康教育的本土化、心理健康教育的终极目标等问题进行了探讨:并为中学心理健康教育的开展提供了个人建议。 在论文最后,就本论文的贡献进行回顾,并提出论文的不足之处。
[Abstract]:In recent years, high school mental health education in the academic circles or in social media are subject to more attention, many achievements have made in practice; at the same time, the scholars research on mental health education (including psychological counseling) theory and methods are more and more. In these studies, the history study of high school mental health education is almost a blank. Researchers believe that behind the need with vigour and vitality, a review of the mental health education of middle school history. Historical reflection system will contribute to the understanding of school psychological health education related educators awake, and has more practical plans and initiatives for the future development of the education; and push in China is not mature in the mental health education, to make the whole society to care about the mental health of young people.
Shanghai is one of the earliest to carry out mental health education in middle school is the largest city, success, the standard for the implementation of Shanghai city. The middle school mental health education determines the special status in the country will has important practical significance on the historical research, to carry out the other city of mental health education mode and experience reference. At the same time the author study by personal energy is limited, and the study area delineated in Shanghai.
With a large number of detailed and thorough oral history, background information, memorial and literature search and analysis methods, the author reproduces the history of mental health education in Shanghai middle school, and fills gaps in the history research of mental health education.
The paper is divided into four parts:
The first part is the research background. It mainly introduces the research significance, research methods, research and analysis framework, historical staging criteria, clarification of the core concepts (mental health education) and so on.
The second part is from the macro to the Shanghai school mental health education in twenty years of history, it is the core and backbone of the thesis. The Shanghai mental health education history is divided into three stages, and to carry out mental health education of each stage are discussed in detail. The first stage: sprout period (1985-1989), psychological health education for the teachers' spontaneous individual action; the second stage: the construction period (1989-1998), individual activities into organized folk activities, as the guild founded the association of psychological counseling in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai City, and played an important role in mental health education in Shanghai; the third stage: the popularity of (since 1999), Shanghai middle school mental health education has entered into a comprehensive popularization stage in Shanghai City Board of Education under the leadership, has been involved in various schools at all levels.
The third part is the case study, the author from the grand narrative to interpretation of experience. There are three case studies: Fenghua middle school, Yang Yanping middle school, A. The three cases were presented in three aspects of Shanghai mental health education in high school. Fenghua middle school as Shanghai earlier to carry out mental health education, mental health education and always adhere to today the school mental health education, its history can be through the Shanghai mental health education history, is a microcosm of the latter. Based on this case study, can let us take another angle into the Shanghai mental health education in the history of Shanghai city. Miss Yang Yanping is Xuhui District's first full-time psychology teachers from graduates to senior teachers, it can be seen from a psychology teacher to a school in the role, but also enable us to understand the psychological teacher's heart The course of.A middle school is a common school after the popularization of mental health education, mental health education can better reflect the true face of Shanghai. The author hopes that through the three cases of researchers or readers try to cover all the details of the questions, to make a vivid and profound historical present.
The fourth part is the discussion and suggestions. To carry on the investigation to the Shanghai mental health education in high school history, researchers orientation of mental health education in schools, public perceptions of mental health education, mental health education localization, discusses the ultimate goal of mental health education and other issues: and provides personal suggestions for implementation the mental health education in high school.
At the end of the paper, the contribution of this paper is reviewed, and the shortcomings of the paper are put forward.
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