本文选题:武训 + 《武训传》 ; 参考:《齐鲁学刊》2007年02期
[Abstract]:From the early 1980s to the end of the last century, the study of Wushu can be divided into two stages: from the fourth issue of the Qilu academic Journal in 1980 to the readers who published Zhang's economic "hope to rehabilitate the martial arts",The first stage was before and after the State Council's approval on restoring reputation for martial arts training in 1986, and the second stage was before and after the second national military training seminar was held in 1995.As far as the study of martial arts and the spirit of martial arts is concerned, we should start with two aspects.First, it makes a further comprehensive investigation and analysis on the specific political, economic, cultural and educational aspects along the Grand Canal in the northwest of Shandong Province, in order to further study the inevitability and authenticity of martial arts training and its spirit.Second, in the research method, we should adopt the interdisciplinary research methods such as political science, history, sociology and so on, and objectively analyze the various social relations of the martial arts training, so as to consolidate the martial arts training.
【作者单位】: 曲阜师范大学孔子文化学院
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