[Abstract]:Reform and innovation are the inevitable trend and choice of China's moral education in the 21st century, as well as a profound change in the concept and system of moral education. In the new era, on the one hand, we should clearly see the relationship between society and moral education, and on the other hand, we should review the role of traditional morality in our society for thousands of years, so as to better inherit and carry forward it; on the other hand, We should examine the present moral education in our country from a new angle of view, make it clear that moral education must move towards modernization, respond to the challenge of modern society with new vision, new way and new content, so as to meet the needs of social development. In the idea of moral education, we should change the former moral education of "no man", be people-oriented, cultivate independent personality and original spirit. At the same time, it has become an urgent task to cultivate and establish new moral education concepts, such as humanism, subjectivity, life and so on, in moral and moral education. On the goal of moral education, the traditional moral education starts from the social standard, idealizes the moral education, elevates the moral goal to a height beyond the reach of most people. This kind of moral goal, which is divorced from reality and is too idealized, In reality, it is really difficult to achieve and achieve. Because everyone's actual situation is different, in order to achieve the expected goal, moral education goal must be stratified. The goal of moral education should be divided into two levels: universality and particularity. This kind of targeted education can promote the fullest development of the individual. In the method of moral education, the former method of moral education is simple and mechanical. It regards students as the passive receiver of moral norms and generally adopts the method of instillation. This method has its desirable side, but it ignores the cultivation of students' basic virtue and moral judgment, the cultivation of their choice ability, the development of moral subject and the moral emotional experience. The methods of moral education should be based on the development of students' moral quality and the effect of moral education, make great efforts in innovation and practical effect, and require the organic combination and flexible application of various methods. The process of moral education is actually a process of unification of teaching and being taught. In this process, moral education should be integrated in the process of moral knowledge and students' life world and life experience, so as to make students unconsciously internalize norms, experience norms and practice norms, so as to perfect personality. Instead of confining students to a closed, artificial, ideal, pure environment, they are completely divorced from the world of life. The perfection of moral education environment has been paid more and more attention. The real moral education is to create a relaxed, healthy and good environment for the individual's moral development, and to build a pure and happy spiritual home for the individual. It is to cultivate a rational and unique moral life. Building a good moral education environment can be started from three aspects: first, create a good campus atmosphere, including the construction of campus culture, good school spirit, etc.; second, improve the quality of teachers; third, Widen the channels of moral education, make moral education open, walk out of the campus and enter the society.
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