发布时间:2018-10-29 15:21
【摘要】: 在过去的20年里,普及义务教育是中国教育发展的重点。我国在已经基本普及义务教育的情况下,义务教育均衡发展问题引起了政府和社会各界的高度重视。本文以生均预算内教育事业性经费支出为切入点,测算出1995-2004年全国31个省(市)自治区教育生均预算内事业性经费支出的基尼系数,并对数据进行了分析,通过分析看出普通初级中学的问题要大于普通小学;农村的问题要大于城市;三片、四片地区的问题要大于一片、二片地区,而三片、四片地区又多处于中西部不发达地区,因此要从加强对中西部农村的中小学投入做起。 论文由四个部分组成: 第一部分为衡量义务教育经费配置公平性的指标解读。本部分主要介绍了用于测算不公平程度的三种方法,即(1)变异系数;(2)基尼系数;(3)麦克伦指数(Mcloone Index)和沃斯特根指数(Verstegen Index),并重点介绍了三种应用于教育基尼系数的计算方法。 第二部分为义务教育经费配置公平性的城乡比较分析。本部分的“城乡”比较主要是对全国平均水平与县镇以下农村地区的比较。我运用变异系数、基尼系数、Mcloone指数和Verstegen指数对数据进行计算,并根据计算结果制图进行走向分析。 第三部分为义务教育经费配置公平性的区域比较分析。根据经济发展与教育发展的总体状况,将全国除港、澳、台以外的31个省、自治区、直辖市划分为四个区域,运用基尼系数分析了各区内的不平等程度。 第四部分为结论与政策建议。笔者根据研究结论,提出了切实贯彻《中华人民共和国义务教育法》,确保义务教育国家负全责;制定义务教育经费分配细则,切实保证资金合理分配;制定对落后地区义务教育的资金扶持政策;建立教师定期流动制度,给予教师地方公务员待遇;把义务教育发展的均衡水平作为考查这一地区政府领导执政能力的标准之一等方面的政策建议。
[Abstract]:In the past 20 years, universal compulsory education has been the focus of China's educational development. With the basic popularization of compulsory education in China, the balanced development of compulsory education has attracted great attention from the government and all walks of life. In this paper, the author calculates the Gini coefficient of the per capita budget expenditure for education in 31 provinces (municipalities) from 1995 to 2004, and analyzes the data. Through the analysis, we can see that the problem of ordinary junior middle school is larger than that of ordinary primary school. The problems in rural areas are greater than those in cities; the problems in three and four regions are greater than those in one or two regions, while three and four regions are mostly in the underdeveloped regions of the central and western regions, so we should start by strengthening investment in primary and secondary schools in the rural areas of the central and western regions. The thesis is composed of four parts: the first part is the interpretation of the indicators to measure the fairness of the allocation of compulsory education funds. This part mainly introduces three methods used to measure the degree of unfairness, namely (1) coefficient of variation, (2) Gini coefficient, (2) Gini coefficient, and (2) Gini coefficient. (3) McLaren Index (Mcloone Index) and Vorster's Root Index (Verstegen Index),) are introduced in detail. The second part is the urban and rural comparative analysis of the equity of the allocation of compulsory education funds. The comparison of urban and rural areas in this part is mainly about the national average level and the rural areas below county and town. I use the coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient, Mcloone index and Verstegen index to calculate the data, and map the trend according to the calculated results. The third part is the regional comparative analysis of the fairness of the allocation of compulsory education funds. According to the general situation of economic development and education development, 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are divided into four regions. The fourth part is conclusions and policy recommendations. According to the conclusion of the research, the author puts forward that the compulsory education law of the people's Republic of China should be carried out to ensure that the compulsory education country is fully responsible, and that the detailed rules for the allocation of funds for compulsory education should be formulated to ensure the rational distribution of funds. To establish the policy of financial support for compulsory education in backward areas, to establish a system of regular teacher mobility and to give teachers treatment to local civil servants; The balanced level of the development of compulsory education is regarded as one of the criteria for examining the governing ability of the regional government.
[Abstract]:In the past 20 years, universal compulsory education has been the focus of China's educational development. With the basic popularization of compulsory education in China, the balanced development of compulsory education has attracted great attention from the government and all walks of life. In this paper, the author calculates the Gini coefficient of the per capita budget expenditure for education in 31 provinces (municipalities) from 1995 to 2004, and analyzes the data. Through the analysis, we can see that the problem of ordinary junior middle school is larger than that of ordinary primary school. The problems in rural areas are greater than those in cities; the problems in three and four regions are greater than those in one or two regions, while three and four regions are mostly in the underdeveloped regions of the central and western regions, so we should start by strengthening investment in primary and secondary schools in the rural areas of the central and western regions. The thesis is composed of four parts: the first part is the interpretation of the indicators to measure the fairness of the allocation of compulsory education funds. This part mainly introduces three methods used to measure the degree of unfairness, namely (1) coefficient of variation, (2) Gini coefficient, (2) Gini coefficient, and (2) Gini coefficient. (3) McLaren Index (Mcloone Index) and Vorster's Root Index (Verstegen Index),) are introduced in detail. The second part is the urban and rural comparative analysis of the equity of the allocation of compulsory education funds. The comparison of urban and rural areas in this part is mainly about the national average level and the rural areas below county and town. I use the coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient, Mcloone index and Verstegen index to calculate the data, and map the trend according to the calculated results. The third part is the regional comparative analysis of the fairness of the allocation of compulsory education funds. According to the general situation of economic development and education development, 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are divided into four regions. The fourth part is conclusions and policy recommendations. According to the conclusion of the research, the author puts forward that the compulsory education law of the people's Republic of China should be carried out to ensure that the compulsory education country is fully responsible, and that the detailed rules for the allocation of funds for compulsory education should be formulated to ensure the rational distribution of funds. To establish the policy of financial support for compulsory education in backward areas, to establish a system of regular teacher mobility and to give teachers treatment to local civil servants; The balanced level of the development of compulsory education is regarded as one of the criteria for examining the governing ability of the regional government.
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1 张艳珍;二元经济对高等教育入学机会公平的影响研究[D];山西财经大学;2011年
2 朱海英;改革开放后我国农村义务教育财政体制研究[D];河北大学;2011年
3 郭苑;我国城乡劳动力市场一体化的就业结构优化效应研究[D];南昌大学;2012年