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发布时间:2018-01-03 17:25

  本文关键词:山东省大学生创业教育社会支持体系的实证研究 出处:《济南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生创业教育 创业教育社会支持体系 二元logistic回归

[Abstract]:As China's economy has entered a new norm in the summer of 2014, the Davos forum, Premier Li Keqiang proposed "public business concept, highly innovative, entrepreneurial significance on China's economy has been more and more remarkable. College students have become the key to crack the difficult employment. In countries strongly advocated the new situation of venture to promote employment, have some college students after graduation engaged in entrepreneurial tide. But the statistics show that American students entrepreneurs accounted for the total number of graduates ratio is about 25%, Japan is about 15%, and this figure compared to the United States and other developed countries of the entrepreneurship education in our country is less than 5%., our entrepreneurship education as a new education although the concept of being touted, but it is not mature. Therefore, social support for college students' entrepreneurship education has become the key to promote the smooth implementation of colleges and universities with entrepreneurship education and the same. When including the policies and regulations, material technology, social support system project and the environment support, is not perfect. But foreign research results should not be copied, combined with China's national conditions, construction of College Students' entrepreneurial social support system is urgent. The specific construction of social support system and how, how to fully integrate the government, society, schools in three areas resources, the promotion of College Students' entrepreneurship awareness and skills, various colleges and universities and the whole society has become an urgent task. This paper uses co word analysis and literature research respectively on the current domestic entrepreneurship education social support system theory research status is analyzed, then the system elements of a definition of entrepreneurship education social support. Through the interview on the status of the system is analyzed and summarized, the causes of the problem analysis and application investigation of. The data obtained from two yuan logistic regression analysis of the relationship between entrepreneurship education, social support system and entrepreneurial orientation of college students. Finally, it puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for building social support system of entrepreneurship education.



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