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发布时间:2018-01-03 17:45

  本文关键词:烟台大学生公寓文化建设研究 出处:《鲁东大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 宿舍 公寓 文化建设 烟台高校

【摘要】:近年来,大学生公寓文化建设逐渐被大家重视起来。之所以如此,是因为:大学生公寓文化建设对和谐社会建设起到重要作用,是和谐校园建设的重要基础;大学生公寓充满丰富多彩的活动,吸引大学生积极参与到活动中,从而全面培养大学生的综合素质;公寓是学生日常生活的场所,大学生潜移默化地受公寓健康文化的影响,文化素养得到日渐提高;大学生公寓是思想政治教育的第二阵地,培养大学生集体主义观念和良好的思想道德品质,有助于他们形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。 笔者通过发放调查问卷和现场采访两种形式,从物质文化、精神文化、制度文化和行为文化四个方面对烟台高校公寓文化建设存在的主要问题进行了调查。烟台大学生公寓物质文化尚薄弱,硬件设施的配备缺乏人性化,,安全设施不完善,公寓设计缺乏时代性,不能很好地营造一个舒适、方便、安全、温馨的学习、生活和交往的环境;精神文化无秩序,大学生和公寓管理员对公寓和宿舍的定位不清,情感也较“薄弱”,没有把公寓当作“第二家庭”,对自己和其他攸关方的角色认知混乱错误;制度文化不健全,缺乏科学性、系统性和可操作性;大学生和公寓管理员多有失范行为,公寓管理员擅自离岗、做私活、态度粗鲁、工作不认真负责,大学生夜不归宿、拒不值日、沉迷网络游戏、破坏公共物品、争吵冷战等屡见不鲜。 烟台高校公寓文化建设存在的问题,是由诸多原因引起的。第一,学校公寓管理部门、公寓管理员和大学生对公寓文化建设的重要性认识不足;第二,公寓文化建设过程中历史欠账较多;第三,体制机制缺陷,公寓管理各部门职责不清,制度制定缺乏长远规划;第四,公寓文化活动和规章制度内容陈旧狭窄,缺乏创新性,跟不上时代发展脚步;第五,方法简单划一;第六,社会文化影响,主要包括网络文化、教育文化和庸俗文化对大学生公寓文化的影响。这些原因阻碍了烟台高校公寓文化建设的健康发展。 要解决烟台大学生公寓文化建设存在的问题,必须从国家和省有关部门对高校学生公寓文化建设提出的基本要求,烟台市的相关市情和烟台高校自身的相关情况等实际出发,是因为这些实际规定了烟台大学生公寓文化建设的原则、内容、方式和结果。需要各方面相互配合、多管齐下。第一,要提高对大学生公寓文化建设的认识,只有先摆正了思想认识,才会有行动上的改变;第二,改善公寓物质文化建设,加大公寓建设资金投入力度,增添必要的生活设施,加强防火防盗 设施建设;第三,健全大学生公寓文化建设的制度体系,完善监督及评估制度,建立意见反馈机制,加强公寓管理员培训及考核;第四,拓展公寓文化建设的内容,开展丰富多彩的文化活动,加强思想政治教育学习,组织社会实践活动,培养大学生工作能力,搞好公寓公共卫生;第五,创新公寓文化建设的方法,采用辅导员进公寓的方法,加强网络平台建设,用各种现代的方法和手段拉近与学生的距离;第六,继承优良传统,借鉴他校和别国经验。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the cultural construction of student apartments we are gradually pay attention to it. The reason is because: the cultural construction of student apartments to play an important role in building a harmonious society, is an important foundation for the construction of harmonious campus; college student apartment is full of rich and colorful activities to attract students to actively participate in the activities, so as to cultivate the comprehensive quality of college students is the apartment; students' daily life place, students imperceptibly influenced by health culture apartments, cultural literacy are increasing; student apartment is the ideological and political education of the second positions, the cultivation of College Students' Collectivism and good ideological and moral quality, help them form a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values.
The author through questionnaire and interview in two forms, from the material culture, spiritual culture, four aspects of system culture and behavior culture conducted a survey on the main problems of Yantai college dormitory cultural construction. Yantai university apartment material culture is still weak, hardware facilities lack of humanization, safety facilities, apartment design lack of time, not very good to create a comfortable, convenient, safe and comfortable learning, life and communication environment; spiritual and cultural order, and the orientation of College Students' dormitory and apartment administrator of the apartment is not clear, the emotion is "weak", not the apartment as a "second family", and on their own other stakeholders role confusion errors; system culture is not perfect, the lack of scientific, systematic and operability; college students and administrators have anomie apartment to apartment manager Leave, do private live, rude, do not work seriously for college students, yebuguisu, refused to duty, addicted to online games, destruction of public goods, arguing the cold war It is often seen..
Yantai college dormitory cultural construction problems are caused by many reasons. First, the school apartment management department, apartment manager and college students understand the importance of the construction of dormitory culture; second, more historical debts in the process of construction of apartment culture; third, system defect, apartment management responsibilities of various departments are not clear, the lack of system development long-term planning; fourth, apartment cultural activities and the rules and regulations of the contents of the old narrow, lack of innovation, keep up with the times the pace of development; fifth, sixth, a simple method; social and cultural influences, including the influence of network culture, education culture and vulgar culture on College Students' dormitory culture. These reasons hinder the healthy development of colleges and universities in Yantai apartment culture construction.
To solve the existing problems in the construction of Yantai college students dormitory culture, must from the basic requirements of the relevant departments of the state and province put forward the construction of dormitory culture of college students, the related situation of Yantai city and Yantai University's related situation in reality, because the actual provisions of the Yantai university apartment culture construction principle, contents, methods and results. All aspects complement each other, multi pronged approach. First, to improve the understanding of the cultural construction of student apartments, only to straighten out the ideological understanding, there will be action change; second, improve the flat material culture construction, increase the apartment construction capital investment, add the necessary living facilities, strengthen the fire alarm
Infrastructure construction; third, perfect the system of university students' dormitory culture construction, improve the supervision and evaluation system, establish feedback mechanism, strengthen the apartment manager training and assessment; fourth, to expand the construction of apartment culture, carry out rich and colorful cultural activities, strengthen ideological and political education, organizing social practice activities, to cultivate college students' ability to work well, the apartment of public health; fifth, the method innovation of the cultural construction of apartment, the counselor method into the apartment, strengthen the construction of network platform, using various methods and means of modern narrow the distance with students; sixth, inherited the fine tradition of other schools and the experience of other countries.



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