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发布时间:2018-01-05 16:19

  本文关键词:基于雇主视角的大学生就业胜任特征模型研究 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 雇主 大学生 胜任特征 行为事件访谈

【摘要】:在就业市场上有一对矛盾问题,一方面大学生会有“就业难”的困境,另一方面雇主却有“用人难、留人难”的尴尬。这一矛盾主要是由大学生不能满足雇主的需求造成的。以往关于大学生就业的许多研究都发现,大学生与雇主之间对就业能力的理解有的差异,这种差异导致了大学生在一定程度上不能完全满足雇主对人才的需求,所以需要探索一个建立在雇主视角的大学生就业胜任特征模型,这样从雇主的需求出发,所建立的模型对大学生就业会有更好的实际意义。 本研究通过行为事件访谈(BEI),对15名来自不同用人组织的中层管理者和人力资源管理人员进行访谈,收集雇主对大学生工作情况的案例资料,并将访谈录音整理成4万余字的文本资料,然后使用两名编码者就根据本研究编制的胜任特征词典对文本资料分别进行编码。根据编码信息,并结合文献分析、类属分析、德尔菲法和专家评定,构建出大学生就业胜任特征模型。 本研究得到的大学生就业胜任特征模型具有四个维度,分别是职业能力维度、人际交往维度、工作态度维度和个人品质维度。其中职业能力维度体现了个体在工作中所需具备的基本能力,包括工作执行力、思维能力、学习能力、职业规划、写作能力、创新能力;人际交往维度表现了个体在工作中与他人的互动行为,包括人际交往能力、团队精神、沟通能力;工作态度维度表现了个体对工作所持有的一种评价和行为倾向,包括责任意识、主动性、勤奋、上进心、谦虚、踏实、稳定性;个人品质维度表现了指个体相对稳定的潜质,包括自我调控能力、独立性、自我认知、注意细节、心理承受力、成长潜力。这四个维度互相影响,,互相支持,体现了一种由外向内的层次结构。 本研究构建的大学生就业胜任特征模型,是一个基于雇主需求的模型,会更加贴近现实生活,它能够指导大学生根据雇主需要改善、提高自身就业能力,由此增加就业成功率,因此本研究具有重要的应用价值。
[Abstract]:There are a pair of contradictory problems in the job market. On the one hand, college students will have the dilemma of "employment difficulties"; on the other hand, employers will have "employment difficulties". This contradiction is mainly caused by college students' inability to meet the needs of employers. Many previous studies on college students' employment have found that. There are some differences in the understanding of employability between college students and employers, which leads to the fact that college students can not fully meet the needs of employers for talents to a certain extent. Therefore, it is necessary to explore a model of college students' employment competency, which is based on the employer's perspective, so that the established model will have better practical significance for the employment of college students from the perspective of employers' needs. This study conducted interviews with 15 middle-level managers and human resource managers from different employing organizations through Behavioral event interview to collect the case data of employers working with college students. The interview recording is arranged into more than 40,000 words of text data, and then two coders are used to encode the text data according to the competency dictionary compiled in this study. According to the coding information, and combined with the analysis of the literature. Category analysis, Delphi method and expert evaluation, build the employment competency model of college students. The model of college students' employment competence has four dimensions, namely, vocational ability dimension and interpersonal communication dimension. Work attitude dimension and personal quality dimension. The dimension of professional ability reflects the basic ability of individual in the work, including work execution, thinking ability, learning ability, career planning, writing ability. Ability to innovate; The dimension of interpersonal communication shows the individual interaction with others in the work, including interpersonal skills, team spirit, communication skills; The dimension of work attitude shows a kind of evaluation and behavior tendency that individual holds to work, including responsibility consciousness, initiative, diligence, ambition, modesty, steadfastness and stability; The dimension of personal quality shows the relatively stable potential of the individual, including self-control ability, independence, self-cognition, attention to details, psychological tolerance, growth potential. These four dimensions affect each other and support each other. It embodies a hierarchy from outside to inside. The model of college students' employment competence, which is based on the needs of employers, will be more close to the real life. It can guide college students to improve their employability according to the needs of employers. Therefore, this study has important application value.


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