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发布时间:2018-01-06 19:30

  本文关键词:地方高校绩效考核方式研究 出处:《渤海大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 地方高校 绩效考核 方式

【摘要】:我国高等教育实现了从“精英化”到“大众化”的过渡,绩效考核在推动高校创新发展方面起到了重要作用,近年来形式多样、内容各异的绩效考核开始在高校不同层面开展:教育部开展的大学教育质量评估、国务院学位委员会开展的学科评估、社会上各有侧重的大学排名榜、以及高校内部为满足管理需要开展的各类考核等。绩效考核己经成为高等院校和高等教育研究机构展示科技创新能力、加强公众交流和提高高校管理绩效的重要工具。由此,,在借鉴高校当前已有绩效考核方式的前提下,创新适合当前地方高校发展的绩效考核模式是非常必要和紧迫的。 本文在研究地方高校绩效考核方式问题的过程中,首先对绩效考核相关概念、内容、原理等理论进行梳理,在此基础上,分别阐述国内外高校绩效考核目前采用的方式,分析我国高校绩效考核方式存在问题,及存在问题原因如:考核标准不明确,考核制度不够健全,考核系统不完善,考核方法单一等进行分析。在分析的基础上经过认真调查、研究,结合调查研究我国地方高校绩效考核实际现状,提出了构建我国地方高校绩效考核方式,并提出了绩效考核步骤、操作等一系列问题,最后对文章进行了总结。
[Abstract]:China's higher education has achieved the transition from "elite" to "popular", performance appraisal has played an important role in promoting the innovation and development of colleges and universities, in recent years, various forms. Different content of performance appraisal began to be carried out at different levels of higher education: the Ministry of Education carried out the quality assessment of university education, the State Council academic degree Committee to carry out the subject evaluation, the community has a focus on the list of universities. In order to meet the needs of management, the performance appraisal has become a demonstration of scientific and technological innovation ability in institutions of higher learning and research institutions of higher education. Strengthen the public communication and improve the performance of college management important tools. Therefore, under the premise of learning from the existing performance appraisal methods. It is very necessary and urgent to innovate the performance appraisal model suitable for the development of local colleges and universities. In the process of studying the performance appraisal methods of local colleges and universities, this paper firstly combs the related concepts, contents and principles of performance appraisal, and on this basis. This paper expounds the current methods of performance appraisal at home and abroad, analyzes the existing problems in the performance appraisal of colleges and universities in China, and the reasons for the problems, such as: the assessment standard is not clear, and the appraisal system is not perfect enough. On the basis of the analysis, the author makes a careful investigation, studies, and studies the actual situation of the performance appraisal of local colleges and universities in our country in combination with the investigation. This paper puts forward a series of problems such as constructing the performance appraisal method of local colleges and universities in our country, and puts forward a series of problems such as performance appraisal steps, operation and so on, and finally summarizes the article.


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