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发布时间:2018-01-07 04:10

  本文关键词:重庆地方高校大学生闲暇生活现状及对策研究 出处:《重庆师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 重庆地方高校 闲暇生活 大学生 教育对策

【摘要】:闲暇生活对个人自主利用空闲时间促进个人身心愉悦,健康生活的意义重大。对正处于成长和发展关键时期的大学生来说,闲暇生活对他们的身心健康、和谐发展尤为重要。因为随着当前社会工业化和信息化进程的加快,人们学习和工作效率进一步提高,大学生所拥有的闲暇时间显得十分充裕。而大学生对闲暇时间的利用还存在问题。本文在已有文献研究基础之上,,利用调查研究方法,对当前重庆地方高校大学生闲暇时间利用及闲暇生活进行了研究。 本论文包括六个部分:第一部分和最后部分分别为导论和结语。第二、三、四、五为论文的主体部分,第二部分讨论了大学生闲暇及闲暇教育的相关理论,以为后续调研奠定理论基础;第三部分通过抽样重庆地方高校大学生,调查了大学生闲暇活动的现状;第四部分为影响因素分析;第五部分为大学生闲暇活动的教育对策探讨。 本文提出的教育对策主要有:高校作为教育的主体,应该积极主动的整合社会和家庭的力量,加强对学生闲暇活动的教育和指导,在寻求社会支持、教育环境治理、网络媒体监管、课程改革、活动指导、学生组织建设、联合家长等方面进一步加强。同时,加强大学生的认知、目标和意志方面的培养,推进当前重庆地方高校大学生闲暇生活健康、和谐发展,为学生的全面发展起到关键作用。
[Abstract]:Leisure life is very important for individuals to use their leisure time to promote their physical and mental pleasure and healthy life. For college students who are in the critical period of growth and development leisure life is of great importance to their physical and mental health. Harmonious development is particularly important, because with the acceleration of the current social industrialization and information process, people's learning and work efficiency further improved. College students have a lot of leisure time. However, there are still some problems in the use of leisure time by college students. Based on the existing literature, this paper makes use of the methods of investigation and research. This paper studies the leisure time utilization and leisure life of local college students in Chongqing. This thesis includes six parts: the first part and the last part are the introduction and conclusion respectively. The second, third, fourth and fifth are the main part of the thesis. The second part discusses the theory of leisure and leisure education of college students. Lay the theoretical foundation for the follow-up investigation; The third part investigates the current situation of college students' leisure activities by sampling local college students in Chongqing. Part 4th is the analysis of influencing factors. Part 5th discusses the educational countermeasures of college students'leisure activities. The educational countermeasures proposed in this paper are: as the main body of education, colleges and universities should actively integrate the social and family forces, strengthen the education and guidance of students' leisure activities, and seek social support. Education environment governance, network media supervision, curriculum reform, activity guidance, student organization and construction, joint parents, and so on. At the same time, strengthen the cultivation of college students' cognition, goal and will. Promoting the healthy and harmonious development of leisure life of local college students in Chongqing plays a key role in the all-round development of students.


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3 曹玉霞;新时期大学生闲暇教育初探[D];山东师范大学;2006年

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