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发布时间:2018-01-07 13:42

  本文关键词:大学生择业观演变与职业发展教育研究 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 择业观 职业发展教育

【摘要】:职业是一种重要的社会现象,关系到人的生活方式、社会角色以及个人前途、家庭状况、用人单位绩效和社会稳定。随着社会的不断发展和进步,职业也在不断变化。同时自1999年扩招以来,我国高等教育进入大众化发展阶段,尤其是2003年的首届扩招后的毕业大学生进入市场求职择业后,就业形势更加严峻,这对大学生的择业观产生巨大的影响。大学生的择业观既体现了社会历史性的惯性,也反映了现实社会的存在,同时也影响着未来社会的走向。所以,要想把握今后人们的择业走向,就必须深入了解大学生的择业观演变历程及状况。但是了解并不是目的,我们研究大学生的择业观演变及表现特点并不是简单地向人们揭示状态,而是为高校对大学生进行职业发展教育与就业指导工作寻找症结,揭示出大学生择业思想、心理状况和价值取向规律,,然后才能对症下药,这样药性才能起到真正的效果和作用。大学生选择不同的职业就意味着有不同的发展机会和发展空间,决定着不同的生活方式、社会地位和经济利益。所以说大学生的择业观尤为重要,需要尽早的对自己及周围社会、世界有个全面的认识、树立择业方向,在大学的生活、学习生涯中不断发展自己、提升就业能力为自己今后在职场上全面发展打下坚实的基础。 本文以大学生就业制度变革为背景,借用文献整理、历史分析和比较分析等研究方法,系统深入地研究中国不同时期大学生择业观与职业发展教育的演变发展问题。全文分五部分,第一部分为绪论,由选题背景和意义、国内外研究状况、研究思路和方法、主要创新点与不足四小部分构成。第二部分是阐述大学生就业制度变革及特点,分两个阶段对其进行分析:第一阶段是计划经济体制时期大学生就业制度及特点(1949-1976);第二阶段为改革开放后大学生就业制度变革及特点(1978-现在)。第三部分详细介绍了改革开放以来大学生择业观的演变。对大学生择业相关概念进行了界定,并对大学生择业观的演变及特点分三个阶段进行阐述。第四部分对大学生职业发展教育的演变历程进行了梳理,由此对大学生职业发展教育存在的主要问题进行分析,并对今后大学生进行职业发展教育的主要内容及途径进行了探索。第五部分是结语部分,对本人所研究的这一问题作整体评析。通过对不同时期大学生择业观演变的纵向分析和职业发展教育的演变历程进行回顾,使大学生对我国就业制度的变革过程有一个比较全面的了解,对大学生择业与职业发展教育之间的相互关系有一个全新的认识,为高校思想政治教育与管理工作提供有价值的借鉴和参考。并帮助当代大学生改变择业观,使他们在追求自我实现的过程中,根据社会需要合理规划自己的职业发展方向,确保自我潜能的充分发挥。
[Abstract]:Occupation is an important social phenomenon, related to people's way of life, social role and personal future, family status, employer performance and social stability. With the development and progress of society. Since 1999, China's higher education has entered the stage of popular development, especially after 2003, the first expansion of college students into the market after job hunting. The employment situation is more severe, which has a great impact on the concept of employment of college students, which not only reflects the historical inertia of the society, but also reflects the existence of the real society. At the same time, it also affects the trend of the future society. Therefore, in order to grasp the future career trends, we must deeply understand the evolution of college students' career outlook and the situation, but understanding is not the purpose. Our research on the evolution and characteristics of college students' career outlook is not simply to reveal the state, but to find the crux for the career development education and employment guidance of college students. This paper reveals the thought, psychological condition and value orientation of college students' career choice, and then they can give the right remedy to the case. Only in this way can the drug play a real role. College students choose different career means different development opportunities and development space, determine different lifestyles. Social status and economic interests. Therefore, college students' view of employment is particularly important, need as soon as possible to themselves and the surrounding society, the world has a comprehensive understanding, set up a career direction, life in the university. Develop oneself continuously in the study career, promote the employability to lay a solid foundation for oneself in the future overall development in the workplace. Based on the background of the reform of college students' employment system, this paper uses the methods of literature collation, historical analysis and comparative analysis. The thesis is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, from the background and significance of the topic, the research situation at home and abroad. Research ideas and methods, the main innovation and less than four small parts of the composition. The second part is to elaborate the reform and characteristics of the employment system of college students. It is analyzed in two stages: the first stage is the employment system and characteristics of college students in the period of planned economy. The second stage is the reform and characteristics of college students' employment system after the reform and opening up. The third part introduces in detail the evolution of college students' view of choosing jobs since the reform and opening up, and defines the related concepts of college students' career choice. And the evolution and characteristics of college students' concept of career selection are described in three stages. Part 4th combs the evolution of college students' career development education. Therefore, this paper analyzes the main problems of college students' professional development education, and explores the main contents and ways of vocational development education for college students in the future. Part 5th is the conclusion part. Through the longitudinal analysis of the evolution of college students' concept of career selection and the evolution of career development education in different periods. So that the college students have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the reform process of our employment system, and a new understanding of the relationship between college students' career choice and career development education. To provide valuable reference and reference for ideological and political education and management in colleges and universities, and to help contemporary college students to change their outlook on employment and make them in the process of pursuing self-realization. According to the needs of the society, plan their career development direction to ensure the full play of self-potential.


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