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发布时间:2018-01-07 14:12

  本文关键词:思想政治教育视域下大学生网络信息辨察能力的培养和引导 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 网络信息 辨查能力

【摘要】:互联网在带给我们便利的生活和丰富的精神享受的同时,网络也给我们带来了烦恼。网上到处充斥着虚假、色情、暴力、八卦的信息,防不胜防,无孔不入。2013年1月15日,中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布《第31次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》,截至2012年12月底,中国网民数量达到5.64亿,手机网民4.2亿,互联网普及率为42.1%。在网民结构中,20—29岁的网民占了30%,是比例最高的人群,而这个年龄段又以大学生为主力,可见加强对大学生的网络教育,提高他们对网络信息的辨察能力非常重要。 文章使用的研究方法是文献法和问卷调查法,通过网络和信息的含义,定义了大学生网络信息辨察能力的含义,论述了提高大学生网络信息辨察能力对个人和社会的重要意义。通过分析大学生在上网过程中网络行为的表现,找到大学生网络信息辨察能力不足的原因,从而对症下药,提出解决办法。本文的创新之处在于提出了大学生网络信息辨察能力的概念,定义了网络信息辨察能力的含义和表现,并把“意见领袖”的作用和慎独精神应用到解决办法之中。
[Abstract]:The Internet brings us convenient life and rich spiritual enjoyment, at the same time, the network also brings us trouble. The Internet is full of false, pornography, violence, gossip information, prevention. On January 15th 2013, the China Internet Information Center (CNNIC) released the 31st Statistical report on the Development of China's Internet Network, which ended December 2012. The number of Chinese Internet users reached 564 million, mobile phone users 420 million, Internet penetration rate is 42.1. In the netizen structure, 20-29 years old netizens accounted for 30, is the highest proportion of the population. This age group is dominated by college students, so it is very important to strengthen the network education and improve their ability to discern the network information. The research methods used in this paper are literature method and questionnaire method. Through the meaning of network and information, this paper defines the meaning of college students' ability to distinguish network information. This paper discusses the important significance of improving college students' network information discerning ability to the individual and society. By analyzing the performance of college students' network behavior in the process of surfing the Internet, the author finds out the reasons why the college students' network information discerning ability is insufficient. The innovation of this paper is to put forward the concept of college students' ability to identify network information, and define the meaning and performance of the ability of network information recognition. And the role of "opinion leaders" and the spirit of care to apply to the solution.


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