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发布时间:2018-01-08 02:04

  本文关键词:辽宁公安司法管理干部学院校园安全风险分析 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校校园 校园安全 风险评价 安全管理

【摘要】:高等学校是知识汇集地,,校园的安全关系着学生生命财产安全,更是对整个社会具有深远影响。我国的校园安全管理研究还不成熟,但是随着校园安全问题日渐严重,有关校园安全的研究也变得尤为重要。所以,校园安全的风险研究不但具有一定的理论意义,更具有实际应用意义。 本文选择文献资料法、调查法等定性分析方法对辽宁公安管理干部学院校园安全风险因素做出总结,归纳了五个主要影响因素,包括:组织机构因素、人员素质因素、环境构成因素、预防管理因素和事故预防因素。并通过定性与定量相结合的研究方法确定该校园安全评价指标,同时采用主客观赋权模型对安全评价指标做出评估,构建了辽宁公安司法管理干部学院的安全风险评价模型。最后针对辽宁公安司法管理干部学院校园安全风险评价结果及现状,给出相关建议,主要有校园教育、校园管理、校园技术和重大型突发事件四个方面,进一步完善了校园安全管理体系。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities are the gathering places of knowledge, the safety of campus is related to the safety of students' lives and property, and it has a profound impact on the whole society. The study of campus safety management in our country is not mature. However, with the increasingly serious problem of campus security, the research on campus security has become particularly important. Therefore, the risk study of campus security has not only theoretical significance, but also practical application significance. This article selects the literature method, the investigation method and so on qualitative analysis method to make the summary to the Liaoning public security management cadre college campus safety risk factor, has summarized five main influence factors, including: the organization organization factor. Personnel quality factors, environmental factors, prevention management factors and accident prevention factors. And through qualitative and quantitative research methods to determine the campus safety evaluation index. At the same time, the subjective and objective weight model is used to evaluate the safety evaluation index. This paper constructs the safety risk evaluation model of Liaoning Police Judicial Management cadre College. Finally, according to the evaluation results and current situation of campus security risk of Liaoning Police Judicial Management cadre College, it gives some relevant suggestions, mainly campus education. Campus management, campus technology and major emergencies further improve the campus safety management system.


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