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发布时间:2018-01-08 02:15

  本文关键词:山东英才学院绩效考核与薪酬体系设计 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民办教育 人力资本价值 薪酬绩效制度 3P模式

【摘要】:近年来,民办教育在我国迅猛发展,教育是培养人才的战略型措施之一,,而高校又是国家快速发展的人才教育基地,伴随着民办高等院校人事分配制度改革的不断深入,高校的薪酬机制发生了巨大的变革。众所周知,薪酬能够准确衡量员工的工作价值,是人力资本价值实现的重要载体,所以在教职工家庭、社会地位等方面起着举足轻重的作用。几年来,在民办高校中实现薪酬绩效工资越来越受到众多高校的重视,试图通过薪酬绩效制度达到互利共赢的局面是我们大家所期待的,但是,我国民办高校的现状与我国高等教育大众化的要求并不符合,与世界高等学府的发展潮流也不相适应,在不少民办高校薪酬制度面前,教职工的工作散慢,动力不足,极大违背了我国教育人才的教育规定,也深深的影响了我国各民办高校教育人才的积极性,与我国发展“人才战略的目标”大相径庭,这些问题不得不引起我们的深刻思考。 本文以民办高校---山东英才学院为例,分析了山东英才学院的薪酬管理中存在的问题,把绩效考核与薪酬体系设计作重点,提出了应用于山东英才学院的基于合理公平的3P(岗位position-绩效performance 工资paymen)一体化工资模式,希望能够使山东英才学院以及由这些问题的的民办高校有所帮助,留住优秀的教职工,提高教育效率,为国家培养德智体美劳全面发展的高素质人才,真正实现持续健康发展。
[Abstract]:In recent years, private education has developed rapidly in our country. Education is one of the strategic measures to train talents, and colleges and universities are also the base for the rapid development of talent education in the country. With the deepening reform of personnel distribution system in private colleges and universities, the compensation mechanism of colleges and universities has undergone tremendous changes. As we all know, compensation can accurately measure the work value of employees. It is an important carrier of the realization of human capital value, so it plays an important role in teaching staff family, social status and so on. In private colleges and universities to achieve pay performance pay more and more attention by many colleges and universities, trying to achieve a win-win situation through the salary performance system is what we all expect, but. The current situation of private colleges and universities in China does not meet the requirements of the popularization of higher education in China, and the development trend of higher education institutions in the world is not in line with the trend. In the face of the salary system of many private colleges and universities, the work of teaching staff is slow. The lack of motive power greatly violates the educational regulations of educational talents in our country, and also deeply affects the enthusiasm of educational talents in private colleges and universities in our country, which is quite different from the goal of developing "talent strategy" in our country. These problems have to arouse our deep thinking. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the salary management of Shandong Talent College with the example of -Shandong College of Excellence, and focuses on the design of performance appraisal and compensation system. This paper proposes a 3P (position position- performance performance paymenen) integrated wage model which is applied to Shandong Institute of Excellence. It is hoped that the Shandong Institute of Excellence and the private colleges and universities with these problems can help to retain outstanding teaching staff, improve the efficiency of education, and train high-quality talents for the country to develop in an all-round way, such as moral, intellectual, physical, physical, and labor. We will really achieve sustained and healthy development.


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