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发布时间:2018-01-08 03:03

  本文关键词:新课改下高师历史师资培养问题及对策 出处:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高师 历史教育 课程改革 基础教育

【摘要】:随着《国家基础教育课程改革指导纲要》的颁布,我国开始启动新一轮的基础教育改革。国家教育部相继颁布了《义务教育历史课程标准》和《高中历史新课程标准》。这次基础教育新课程改革,不仅使高中历史课程发生了前所未有的深刻变革,也对高师历史教育提出了严峻的挑战。为基础教育输送合格的历史师资是高师历史教育的首要任务,因此,尽快培养适应新形势的历史新课程教师,,是高等师范院校历史专业师范生培养的首要任务。 本文在分析高中历史新课程改革对高中历史教师素质要求的基础上,对当前我国高师历史师资培养存在的若干问题进行了剖析,并提出了相应的建议与对策。本文共分为 五个部分: 第一部分:引言 引言部分主要介绍了本选题的意义、研究现状、创作思路及本文研究的重难点和创新之处。 第二部分:新课改下中学历史教师的素质要求 主要介绍了新课改下高中历史教师要有现代化的教育理念、扎实的专业知识、全面的教学技能和一定的教研能力,这样才能适应21世纪高中历史教学。 第三部分:新课改下高师历史师资培养问题分析 本章节分析了当前高师历史师资培养存在的若干问题,主要包括:1、教育理念落后;2、课程设置不合理;3、教学模式落后;4、与中学历史教育脱节;5、评价方式单一;6、办学条件差;7、招生萎缩。 第四部分:高师历史教育如何适应新课程改革 针对高师历史师资培养存在的问题,本章节提出了以下对策:1、加强高师历史教师对中学一线教学的了解;2、转变教育观念;3、调整课程体系;4、完善教育实习;5、更新教学手段;6、更新评价观念。 第五部分:结束语 对本研究所做的工作进行总结,提出了本研究的不足,并展望了本研究今后的发展方向。
[Abstract]:With the promulgation of National basic Education Curriculum Reform guidelines. China began to launch a new round of basic education reform. The Ministry of Education has promulgated the History Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education and the New Curriculum Standard for History in Senior Middle School. Not only has the history curriculum of senior high school taken place unprecedented profound changes, but also put forward a severe challenge to history education in teachers colleges. It is the primary task of history education in higher normal schools to send qualified history teachers for basic education. It is the most important task to train the teachers of history major in normal colleges and universities as soon as possible to train the teachers who adapt to the new situation. On the basis of analyzing the requirements of the new curriculum reform of senior high school history to the quality of senior high school history teachers, this paper analyzes some problems existing in the cultivation of history teachers in teachers colleges and universities in our country. And put forward the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures. Five parts: Part I: introduction The introduction mainly introduces the significance of this topic, the status quo of the research, the creative ideas and the difficulties and innovations of this study. The second part: the quality requirements of History Teachers in Middle School under the New Curriculum Reform This paper mainly introduces that high school history teachers should have modern educational idea, solid professional knowledge, comprehensive teaching skills and certain teaching and research ability under the new curriculum reform, so as to adapt to the history teaching in 21th century. Part three: analysis on the cultivation of History Teachers in Teachers Colleges under the New Curriculum Reform This chapter analyzes some problems existing in the cultivation of history teachers in teachers colleges and universities at present, mainly including the concept of "1: 1", the backward concept of education; 2, the curriculum is unreasonable; 3. The teaching mode is backward; (4) disconnection with history education in middle school; 5, the evaluation method is single; 6. the condition of running a school is poor; 7, the enrollment shrinks. Part 4th: how to adapt the History Education in Teachers Colleges to the New Curriculum Reform In view of the problems existing in the training of history teachers in normal universities, this chapter puts forward the following countermeasures: 1, to strengthen the understanding of history teachers in high school; (2) changing the concept of education; 3. Adjust the curriculum system; (4) perfecting educational practice; 5. Renew teaching methods; 6. Renew the concept of evaluation. Part 5th: concluding remarks The work of this study is summarized, the shortcomings of this study are put forward, and the future development of this study is prospected.


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