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  本文关键词:高校社会资本经营规范与运行 出处:《山西大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校社会资本 同质性 异质性 规范 运行

【摘要】:在市场经济条件下,高校既存在管理问题,也存在经营问题①。本研究试图对高校社会资本经营从学理层面进行剖析,旨在探讨如何经营高校的社会资本,充分发挥高校社会资本的作用,寻求和争取更多的资源;在实现学校发展的同时,使高校的职能发挥得到最大化。研究的意义在于,一方面可以丰富和完善高校资本经营的理论体系,拓宽高校经营的研究领域;另一方面对高校的职能发挥具有重要的现实影响,有利于实现社会效益最优化。本研究通过运用文献研究法和历史研究法,对高校社会资本经营在规范和实践运行上进行了研究,具体研究如下: 第一,对高校社会资本经营进行了理论解析。文章从概念界定、特点和理论基础三个方面进行了论述。高校社会资本经营是指,高校作为社会网络结构中的“节点”与其他组织或机构建立桥梁,通过对同质性关系和异质性关系经营获取自身发展所需的各种资源,在促进高校职能有效发挥的同时实现社会效益的最优化。高校社会资本经营的特点主要从对象、手段和目的三个层面进行了提炼。高校社会资本经营的理论基础分别是关系强度理论、社会资源理论、利益相关者理论、教育消费理论及学习型组织理论。 第二,探讨了高校社会资本经营的规范。文章主要从目标定位、结构、原则和制度监督四个层面来分析。高校社会资本经营的目标定位为促进高校职能的发挥和学校的发展。从微观和宏观两个方面看,高校内外部主要由资源和网络构成。高校要坚持以正确经营理念为指导的原则,当前与长远并重原则,强弱关系并存原则以及彰显高校职能的原则。对高校社会资本经营制度监督的具体路径进行了探讨。实施制度监督的路径为:政府制定用以规范高校社会资本经营的法规,高校制定社会资本经营的制度。 第三,分析了高校社会资本经营的内容和策略。高校社会资本经营的内容主要是对同质性关系和异质性关系的经营。对同质性关系的经营具体又可以分为高校对自身内部网络结构的经营、高校与兄弟院校间关系的经营及高校与附属机构间关系的经营。对异质性关系的经营主要是指高校与政府间网络关系、高校与用人单位间网络关系、高校与周边社区网络关系及高校与校友网络关系的经营。根据同质性结构与异质性机构之间的区别具体情况具体分析,针对不同的特点提出了相应的策略。
[Abstract]:Under the condition of market economy, there are not only management problems but also management problems in colleges and universities. 1. This study attempts to analyze the management of social capital in colleges and universities from the academic level, in order to explore how to manage the social capital of colleges and universities. Give full play to the role of social capital in colleges and universities, and seek and strive for more resources; At the same time, the function of university can be maximized. On the one hand, it can enrich and perfect the theoretical system of university capital management and broaden the research field of university management. On the other hand, it has an important practical impact on the function of colleges and universities, which is conducive to the optimization of social benefits. This paper studies the operation of social capital in colleges and universities in the standardization and practice, the specific research is as follows: Firstly, this paper analyzes the management of social capital in colleges and universities theoretically. The article discusses the concept, characteristics and theoretical basis of social capital management in colleges and universities, which refers to the management of social capital in colleges and universities. As a "node" in the social network structure, colleges and universities establish bridges with other organizations or institutions, and obtain all kinds of resources needed for their development through the management of homogeneity and heterogeneity relations. At the same time to realize the optimization of social benefits, the characteristics of social capital management in colleges and universities are mainly from the object. The theoretical basis of social capital management in colleges and universities is relationship strength theory, social resource theory, stakeholder theory, educational consumption theory and learning organization theory. Second, the paper discusses the norms of social capital management in colleges and universities. The aim of social capital management in colleges and universities is to promote the functions of colleges and universities and the development of schools. Colleges and universities are mainly composed of resources and networks. Colleges and universities should adhere to the correct management concept as the guiding principle, and pay equal attention to the principle of the present and the long term. The principle of coexistence of strong and weak relationship and the principle of highlighting the functions of colleges and universities. This paper probes into the specific path of supervision of social capital management system in colleges and universities. The path of implementing system supervision is as follows:. The government formulates laws and regulations to regulate the management of social capital in colleges and universities. Institutions of higher learning formulate systems for the management of social capital. Number three. This paper analyzes the contents and strategies of social capital management in colleges and universities. The contents of social capital management in colleges and universities are mainly the management of homogeneity and heterogeneity. Management of the network structure of the Ministry. The management of the relationship between colleges and universities and the relationship between universities and affiliated institutions. The management of heterogeneity mainly refers to the network relationship between universities and governments, and between universities and employers. Based on the analysis of the differences between the homogeneous structure and the heterogeneous institutions, the corresponding strategies are put forward according to the different characteristics of the network relationship between the university and the surrounding community and the relationship between the university and the alumni network.


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