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发布时间:2018-01-08 14:14

  本文关键词:90后大学生就业心态问题及对策研究 出处:《重庆交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 就业心态 对策 大学生 90后

【摘要】:近年来我国高等教育已从过去的精英教育发展到今天的大众化教育,大学在校生和毕业生人数急剧上升。面对人生的重要选择,90后大学生将何去何从,就业心态将会是怎样的,高校应该采取什么样的措施来帮助这群从小就备受长辈呵护的学生,是我们应该深入思考的问题。本文从90后大学生的就业形势出发,详细阐述了90后大学生就业心态及行为表现、90后大学生就业心态对就业的影响、并提出了90后大学生就业心态的调试对策。本论文共分五个部分: 第一部分:绪论。简要介绍了本论文的研究目的、意义及应用价值等。 第二部分:简要论述了90后大学生的就业形势。一是分析了就业市场的供求关系。二是强调了就业现状分析。三是分析了高校专业设置与社会需求不相符。 第三部分:90后大学生就业心态及行为表现。分析了90后大学生就业心态的特点,找出了90后大学生就业心态存在的问题,了解了90后大学生就业心态的行为表现。提出了90后大学生不良就业心态形成的原因。 第四部分:90后大学生就业心态对就业的影响。分别从良好的就业心态和不良就业心态进行阐述,重点找出了不良就业心态对就业带来的具体影响。 第五部分:优化90后大学生就业心态的对策思考。90后大学生一定要转变观念应对挑战,要克服不良就业心态,正确认识和评价自我,动态平衡的调适自我。 现在90后的大学生面临的就业压力越来越大,引起政府和社会各方的广泛重视,就业心态问题已成为相关领域关注的热点问题。为了帮助90后大学生克服求职心理问题,实现顺利就业,研究这一群体的求职心态,并以此提出解决对策,是十分重要和迫切的。
[Abstract]:In recent years, higher education in our country has developed from elite education in the past to popular education today. The number of college students and graduates has risen sharply. Facing the important choice of life, the post-90s college students will follow. What will be the attitude of employment and what measures should be taken to help these students who have been cared for by their elders since childhood? Starting from the employment situation of post-90s college students, this paper expounds the employment mentality and behavior of post-90s college students in detail, and the influence of post-90s college students' employment mentality on employment. And put forward the post-90s college students employment mentality debugging countermeasures. This paper is divided into five parts: The first part: introduction. Briefly introduces the purpose, significance and application value of this paper. Part II:. This paper briefly discusses the employment situation of post-90s college students. Firstly, it analyzes the relationship between supply and demand in the employment market; secondly, it emphasizes the analysis of the present employment situation; third, it analyzes that the specialties in colleges and universities are not in accordance with the social needs. The third part: employment mentality and behavior of post-90s college students. The characteristics of post-90s college students' employment mentality are analyzed, and the problems of post-90s college students' employment mentality are found out. This paper analyzes the behavior of the post-90s college students' employment mentality, and puts forward the reasons for the formation of the post-90s college students' bad employment mentality. Part 4th: the influence of post-90s college students' employment mentality on employment. From the perspective of good employment mentality and bad employment mentality, the author puts emphasis on finding out the concrete influence of bad employment mentality on employment. Part 5th: the countermeasures to optimize the post-90s college students' employment mentality. The post-90s college students must change their ideas to meet the challenges, overcome the bad employment mentality, and correctly understand and evaluate themselves. The self-adjustment of dynamic balance. Nowadays, the post-90s college students are facing more and more employment pressure, which has caused extensive attention of the government and social parties. In order to help the post-90s college students overcome the psychological problems of job search and achieve a smooth employment, this paper studies the mentality of this group, and puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problem. Is very important and urgent.


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2 陈坤邋刘业晔;把脉大学生就业心态与需求[N];广西日报;2007年

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