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发布时间:2018-01-08 15:05

  本文关键词:在校大学生内驱力影响机制及应用研究 出处:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 自我提升 内驱力 logistic模型 SD基模

【摘要】:大学生综合素质的提高是教育的主要目的,而综合素质的提升从根本上说是取决于大学生自我内驱力的提高。而近几年国内有关数据显示,高校大学生在提升自我综合素质方面,内驱力严重不足,甚至有缺失的情况。因此,切实了解目前高校在校大学生内驱力状况,影响大学生内驱力的关键影响因素,以及关键影响因素对内驱力的影响机制等方面的问题,已经成为高校教育者越来越重视的问题,也是国家全面提高大学生综合素质、实施科教兴国战略需要解决的重要问题。 首先,本研究通过梳理归纳内驱力的基本理论、激励理论、自我效能感理论、群体动力学理论,了解内驱力的基本内涵与应用,并进行了校友访谈,初步总结归纳在校大学生参与学习、社团活动、兼职创业三方面的内驱力主要由兴趣、认知、附属内驱力三大类内驱力构成,内驱力影响因素涉及到社会、学校、教师、家庭、学生自身五个维度。在此基础上,进行了内驱力的内涵界定和调查问卷的设计,进行内驱力变量的测量,确定调查问卷的因变量和自变量。 接着,结合理论、文献以及小样本测试,正式设计形成了江西省本科院校在校大学生内驱力测量的量表。通过对江西省内5所本科高等院校,包括南昌大学、江西农业大学、江西师范大学、江西财经大学和南昌航空大学的1000名学生进行问卷调查,获得本研究的原始数据,并运用SPSS17.0软件对数据进行信度和效度分析。通过对调查问卷的统计,确定高校在校学生内驱力主要由兴趣、认知、附属内驱力三大类构成,但具体并不一致,且现阶段内驱力程度普遍不高;并运用logistic模型定量分析关键影响因素,发现教师、周围环境以及学生三方面因素在对学生内驱力提升方面占了很大的比例。 然后,为了更好地进行政策设计,更全面更有效地提升在校大学生内驱力,笔者通过系统动力学建模分析关键影响因素对内驱力的影响机制,以及学习、参与社团活动、参与兼职创业三个内驱力子系统的运行关系,确定系统反馈基模的杠杆解群体动力、激励以及学生的自我效能感,接着进一步进行群体动力、激励机制、自我效能感与内驱力的影响反馈建模分析。 最后,在以上实证分析的基础上,从社会环境、学校、家庭、教师和学生个人等5个层面提出了本研究强化大学生思想教育,激励、引导、培养大学生树立正确的精神意识的政策建议,建议营造良好氛围,以群体带动个体发展;注重激励教育,浓郁学生兴趣;注意方式方法,增强个人效能感;树立个人目标,明确个人发展规划,希望为我国的素质教育改革提供一定的帮助,为高校提升教育质量提供参考,同时为当代高校大学生全面发展提供深远、稳定、强大、持久的动力。
[Abstract]:The improvement of college students' comprehensive quality is the main purpose of education, and the improvement of comprehensive quality is fundamentally dependent on the improvement of college students' self-drive. College students in the promotion of self-comprehensive quality, serious lack of internal drive, or even lack of the situation. Therefore, really understand the current situation of college students' internal drive. The key factors affecting the internal drive of college students and the influence mechanism of the key factors on the internal drive have become more and more important issues for college educators. It is also an important problem for the country to improve the comprehensive quality of college students and implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. First of all, this study summarized the basic theory of internal drive, motivation theory, self-efficacy theory, group dynamics theory, understanding the basic connotation and application of internal drive, and conducted alumni interviews. Preliminary summary of college students involved in learning, community activities, part-time entrepreneurship three aspects of internal drive mainly by interest, cognition, subordinate driving three types of internal drive, internal drive factors related to society. School, teachers, families, students themselves five dimensions. On the basis of this, the connotation of the definition of internal drive and questionnaire design, the measurement of internal drive variables. Determine the dependent and independent variables of the questionnaire. Then, combining the theory, literature and small sample test, the formal design of Jiangxi Province undergraduate college students' internal drive measurement scale. Through the Jiangxi Province 5 undergraduate institutions of higher learning, including Nanchang University. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1000 students from Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiangxi normal University, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics and Nanchang Aviation University, and the original data of this study were obtained. The reliability and validity of the data are analyzed by using SPSS17.0 software. Through the statistics of the questionnaire, it is determined that the internal drive of college students is mainly composed of three categories: interest, cognition and subordinate drive. But the concrete is not consistent, and the present stage internal drive degree is generally not high; Using logistic model to analyze the key influencing factors, it is found that teachers, surroundings and students account for a large proportion in improving students' internal drive. Then, in order to better policy design, more comprehensive and more effective to enhance the internal drive of college students, the author through the system dynamics modeling analysis of the key factors affecting the internal drive mechanism, as well as learning. Participate in community activities, participate in the operating relationship of the three driving subsystems of part-time entrepreneurship, determine the leverage of the system feedback model to solve the group power, motivation and students' sense of self-efficacy, and then further carry out group motivation. Incentive mechanism, self-efficacy and internal drive impact feedback modeling analysis. Finally, on the basis of the above empirical analysis, from the social environment, school, family, teachers and students of five levels proposed to strengthen the ideological education of college students, motivation, guidance. The policy suggestion of cultivating college students to establish the correct spiritual consciousness and the suggestion to create a good atmosphere to promote the individual development by the group; Pay attention to encourage education, rich student interest; Pay attention to ways and means to enhance personal efficacy; It is hoped that the establishment of personal goals and the definition of individual development plans will provide some help for the reform of quality education in our country, a reference for improving the quality of education in colleges and universities, and a far-reaching one for the all-round development of contemporary college students. Stable, strong, lasting power.


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