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发布时间:2018-01-10 14:05

  本文关键词:儒家德育思想与当代高校德育 出处:《东北石油大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 儒家思想 高校德育 理论重构 当代价值

【摘要】:“德育”作为古今教育的重要范畴,既强调人应遵循的道德准则,更强调人的自我教育和约束,是内涵丰富的综合教育体系。千百年来,以儒家德育思想为主的传统教育模式培养出了无数志士仁人,他们是中华民族的脊梁,而这种思想的力量才是中华民族屹立不倒的根本所在。时至今日,传统儒家德育思想对当代高校德育仍然具有现实意义。在物质生活极大丰富、西方思潮不断涌入、思想观念多元化的二十一世纪,高校德育面临着前所未有的困境:传统儒家思想缺失、马克思主义概念化、思想政治教育表面化,致使许多大学生出现了观念的巨大偏差,社会道德感极度滑坡。面对这种困境,高校进行中国传统思想教育,特别是儒家德育思想迫在眉睫。本文正是站在时代前沿,通过对传统儒家德育理论进行全面梳理,赋予其全新的时代价值,使当代高校德育工作与传统儒家德育思想完美对接,真正实现“以德育人”“道德内化”,从而提高当代大学生道德教育的实效性。 本文梳理了儒家德育思想的精要,以儒家代表人物及其主要理念为依托,详细阐明儒家德育思想的总体目标、理论基础、主要内容、实现过程及实践方法,进一步探索儒家德育思想对当代高校德育的巨大价值。并在此基础上真正实现二者融合,完成儒家德育思想在当代高校的德育实施,探索当代高校德育发展的新道路。全文力图从理性高度论述儒家德育思想对当代高校德育的价值,并探讨儒家德育思想在当代高校的理论重构和实施途径。本文明确了高校德育的方向:我们要将大学生培养成怎样的人、建立怎样的人生观、成为具有何种德行的人,以及如何完善自身修养。同时还实现了儒家德育思想的理论重构,,完成了传统文化精髓的现代价值转换,并以理论指导实践,借助多种途径,切实推进和保障其在高校德育工作中的落实。 总之,高校德育工作者只有充分利用传统儒家德育观念,潜移默化,正确引导,才能真正将大学生培养成为合格的知识分子、优秀的社会公民、杰出的文化精英,才能真正实现中华民族的伟大复兴。
[Abstract]:As an important category of ancient and modern education , " moral education " is a comprehensive educational system with rich connotation . In the 21st century , the traditional Confucian moral education theory is the backbone of the Chinese nation . In the 21st century , the traditional Confucian moral education thought is still of practical significance . In the 21st century , the traditional Confucian moral education thought has been confronted with unprecedented difficulties . In the 21st century , the traditional Confucian moral education theory has been confronted with an unprecedented dilemma . In the face of this dilemma , the moral education of the modern universities is perfect , so that the moral internalization of the moral education of the moral education is realized , and the actual effect of the moral education of the contemporary college students is realized . This paper analyzes the essence of Confucian moral education thought , based on the representative character of Confucianism and its main idea , expounds the overall goal , theoretical foundation , main content , realization process and practice method of the Confucian moral education thought in detail . In short , the moral education workers in colleges and universities can truly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by taking full advantage of the traditional Confucian moral education concept , moving to silence and correctly guiding them , so as to truly cultivate the college students into qualified intellectuals , outstanding social citizens and outstanding cultural elites .



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