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发布时间:2018-01-11 03:19

  本文关键词:我国地方政府高校奖学金政策研究 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 地方政府 高等学校 奖学金

【摘要】:我国地方政府奖学金项目从2002年开始允许举办,至今已有十年。就是在这看似短短的十年中,我国地方政府奖学金政策历经多番变革,形成了现行的地方政府奖学金。各地的奖学金政策从目的到对象,从奖学金资助金额和人数到基本条件,从奖学金申请到评审,都具有共性和特性。并且其他一些国家也有地方政府奖学金,参考其他国家的一些做法,可以得出一些有价值的结论,这也是本研究的理论价值所在。地方奖学金与国家奖学金相比,有天然的优势,如何利用这种天然的优势,将地方政府奖学金办得既能发挥奖学金的作用,又能反作用于地方,对地方作出贡献,这就是本文研究的目的,也是本研究的实践价值所在。 本文首先分析了地方政府奖学金的形成、发展及作用,介绍了我国地方政府高校奖学金的形成过程,还将我国地方政府奖学金的形成和发展分成了三个阶段——形成阶段、初步发展阶段、深入发展阶段,通过对每个阶段地方政府奖学金政策的分析对比,得出每个阶段的特点,然后通过访谈法研究我国地方政府奖学金对学生成长的各种作用,以证明地方政府高校奖学金的重要性。第二部分,又通过奖学金目的、对象、基本条件、资助金额与人数、申请与评审五个维度将各地方政府奖学金进行对比,并分析地方政府奖学金政策的共性与特性。第三部分,总结了我国现行地方政府奖学金政策中其中存在的一些问题——奖学金针对对象的设置的合理性不尽如人意,奖学金的评审存在一些问题,以及奖励人数、金额和倾斜政策的一些问题。第四部分,继续利用比较研究法,把美国和英国地方政府奖学金通过奖学金资金来源、激励学生类型和奖学金目的三个维度进行比较分析。最后,对地方政府高校奖学金政策提出一些建议:制定灵活的奖学金政策;将民办高校学生和新生纳入奖学金受益范围;规范、细化贫困生和学生成绩的认定;制定合理的奖学金评审过程。 地方政府奖学金比起国家奖学金更加接近人民,地方政府更加熟知本地人民的需要和当地的具体状况,因此地方政府奖学金不应当是国家奖学金的重复,应当是对国家奖学金的深化和强化。这就使得本研究显得更有意义。
[Abstract]:The Local Government Scholarship Program has been held since 2002, and it has been ten years. It seems that in this short decade, the local government scholarship policy has undergone many changes. The current local government scholarship. The local scholarship policy from the purpose to the target, from the amount and number of scholarships to the basic conditions, from scholarship applications to review. And other countries also have local government scholarships, referring to some practices in other countries, we can draw some valuable conclusions. This is also the theoretical value of this study. Compared with national scholarships, local scholarships have natural advantages, how to use this natural advantage, local government scholarships can play the role of scholarships. This is the purpose of this study and the practical value of this study. This paper first analyzes the formation, development and function of local government scholarships, and introduces the formation process of local government scholarships in colleges and universities. The formation and development of local government scholarships in China are divided into three stages: forming stage, preliminary development stage, in-depth development stage, and through the analysis and comparison of the local government scholarship policy in each stage. Get the characteristics of each stage, and then through interviews to study the role of local government scholarships to the growth of students, to prove the importance of local government scholarships. Part two, through the purpose of scholarships. Objects, basic conditions, amount and number of grants, application and review of the five dimensions of local government scholarships will be compared, and analysis of the local government scholarship policy common and characteristics. Part three. This paper summarizes some problems existing in the current local government scholarship policy in China-the rationality of the establishment of the scholarship for the object is not satisfactory, there are some problems in the evaluation of the scholarship, as well as the number of awards. Some of the issues of the amount and preference policy. 4th, continue to use the comparative research approach, the United States and the United Kingdom local government scholarships through scholarship funding. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on the scholarship policy of local government: making flexible scholarship policy; Bringing private college students and freshmen into the scope of scholarship benefits; Standardize and refine the identification of poor students' and students' achievements; Develop a reasonable scholarship review process. Local government scholarships are closer to the people than national scholarships, and local governments are more familiar with the needs and specific conditions of local people, so local government scholarships should not duplicate national scholarships. It should be the deepening and strengthening of national scholarship, which makes this study more meaningful.


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