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发布时间:2018-01-12 00:33

  本文关键词:刘泽如与陕西师范大学早期发展 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刘泽如 陕西师范大学 师范教育 教育管理 人格魅力

【摘要】:刘泽如是中国著名的马克思主义心理学家、人民教育家、无产阶级革命家。他始终奋斗在教育的最前线,将其一生都奉献给了中国的无产阶级教育事业,为中国教育发展,尤其是为中国高等师范教育的发展做出了巨大贡献。“学高为师,身正为范”就是对他最准确的评价,不论是为师、为学,还是作为领导,他都为师大人做出了最好的表率;除此之外,他还提出了一系列特色鲜明、行之有效的高等师范教育思想和教育管理思想,都是值得我们深究和探讨的宝贵经验。陕西师范大学的发展壮大离不开老一辈领导者和教师们的辛勤劳动,研究刘泽如与陕西师范大学的早期发展,既是对历史的探究,又能为未来的发展提供借鉴。 本研究以文献法、历史探究法为主要研究方法,以刘泽如及陕西师范大学早期发展为核心,全面系统地研究了刘泽如的教育实践、教育思想及陕西师范大学的早期发展两大内容。重在把刘泽如与陕西师范大学的早期创建、发展联系起来,突出刘泽如校长的教育思想尤其是高等师范教育思想和教育管理思想。本研究主要包括五大部分的内容: 第一部分:绪论。从研究意义、研究现状出发,进而提出了本文主要的研究方法及特色与创新之处。 第二部分:详细介绍了刘泽如的生平及其教育实践活动。从教师情怀、学术情怀、无产阶级革命情怀及教育情缘四个维度出发,对刘泽如的生平及教育实践活动进行了梳理。 第三部分:着重对解放前夕全国教育背景及陕西师范大学的成立做了历史的探究与分析。从解放前夕中国高等教育存在的问题、高等师范教育的发展沿革出发,呈现全国教育大背景;继而系统阐述了陕西师范大学成立的历程及成立之初的状况。 第四部分:是本研究的核心部分,主要探究了刘泽如主政时期的举措及其教育思想。从基础设施、思想政治、师资建设、教学质量、科研工作五大方面全面分析了刘泽如在主政陕西师范大学时期所做的努力及其对陕西师大早期发展所带来的改变;并在此基础上总结提炼了其“重师范、爱师范为基本要求,循规律、为社会为发展方向,爱知识、强师资为根本保障,抓教学、系实际为根本任务,遵‘双百’、齐发展为有效途径,重思想、培感情为基本保证”的高等师范教育思想及其教育管理思想。 第五部分:是本研究的升华部分。从廉洁奉公、平易近人的领导者魅力,经验丰富、思想深刻的人民教育家魅力,孜孜不倦、坚持真理的学者魅力,克勤克俭、乐于助人的人师魅力四个方面,并结合视频采访资料对刘泽如及其对陕西师范大学早期发展的贡献进行了整体评价。
[Abstract]:Liu Zelu is a famous Marxist psychologist, people's educator and proletarian revolutionist in China. He has always fought in the front line of education and devoted his whole life to the proletarian education in China. Great contribution has been made to the development of Chinese education, especially to the development of China's higher normal education. "Learning from higher education is a teacher, while being a teacher" is the most accurate evaluation of him, whether for teacher, for learning, or as a leader. He made the best example for the master; In addition, he also put forward a series of distinctive and effective ideas of higher normal education and educational management. The development of Shaanxi normal University is inseparable from the hard work of the older generation of leaders and teachers to study the early development of Liu Zelu and Shaanxi normal University. It is not only an inquiry into history, but also a reference for future development. This research takes the literature method, the historical inquiry method as the main research method, takes Liu Zelu and the Shaanxi normal University early development as the core, comprehensively and systematically studies Liu Zelu's educational practice. The educational thought and the early development of Shaanxi normal University focus on linking Liu Zelu with the early establishment and development of Shaanxi normal University. Highlight Liu Zelu's educational thought, especially the higher normal education thought and educational management thought. This research mainly includes five parts: The first part: introduction, from the significance of the research, the status quo of the study, and then put forward the main research methods, characteristics and innovations of this paper. The second part introduces Liu Zelu's life and educational practice in detail. It starts from four dimensions: teacher feelings, academic feelings, proletarian revolutionary feelings and educational feelings. This paper reviews Liu Zelu's life and educational practice. The third part focuses on the national educational background on the eve of liberation and the establishment of Shaanxi normal University. The development and evolution of higher normal education presents the background of national education; Then it systematically expounds the course of the establishment of Shaanxi normal University and the situation at the beginning of its establishment. Part 4th: is the core part of this study, mainly explores the measures of Liu Zelu's administration and his educational thoughts, from the infrastructure, ideological and political, teacher building, teaching quality. This paper analyzes the efforts made by Liu Zelu in the administration of Shaanxi normal University and the changes brought about by the early development of Shaanxi normal University in five aspects of scientific research. And on this basis summarized and refined its "teachers, love teachers as the basic requirements, follow the law, for the development direction of society, love knowledge, strong teachers as the fundamental guarantee, grasp teaching, practical as the fundamental task." The thought of higher normal education and its educational management are based on the effective way of development, the emphasis on thought and the basic guarantee of cultivating emotion. Part 5th: is the sublimation part of this research. From clean and honest, approachable leader charisma, experienced, profound people educator charm, tireless, adhere to the truth of the charm of scholars. In this paper, the author evaluates Liu Zelu and his contribution to the early development of Shaanxi normal University.


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