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发布时间:2018-01-12 09:18

  本文关键词:大学文化资本对大学生择业意向影响的研究 出处:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学文化资本 大学生 择业意向

【摘要】:大学文化资本作为支撑大学发展的支柱之一,是凝聚学校文化精髓的总和,在一定程度上决定学校的发展方向。大学生择业意向是决定学生未来就业方向的重要影响因素之一,研究大学文化资本对大学生择业意向的影响,是促进高等教育发展的内在要求,,也是改善大学生就业现状的现实需求。研究大学文化资本与大学生择业意向的相互关系,有利于丰富大学文化资本研究成果,并且帮助大学生形成合理的择业意向。 调查研究不同类型大学生在大学文化资本认同上和择业意向上的差异,探讨对大学文化资本具有不同认知度和认同度的在校大学生是否具有显著不同的择业意向,结果发现,不同性别、学历、专业的大学生对大学文化资本存在不同的感知度和认同度,不同性别、学历、专业学生的择业意向也不同,并且精神文化资本、物质文化资本以及制度文化资本对择业意向的各部分有不同程度的影响。为此,提出应该利用大学文化资本帮助学生树立清晰的择业观念,使目标与现实相结合,更新择业观念,使学生具备创新、创造的品质、进行择业角色定位,塑造学生个性品质。
[Abstract]:University cultural capital as one of the pillars supporting the development of universities, is the sum of the essence of the school culture cohesion, determines the direction of development of the school to a certain extent. College students' employment intention is one of the important factors to decide their future employment direction, the impact of capital on University Culture on College Students' career intentions, is the inherent requirement to promote the development of higher education. Is to improve the practical needs of university students' employment status. The relationship between the intentions of the university cultural capital and college students, enrich the research achievements of Cultural Capital University, and help students form a reasonable career intention.
Investigation of different types of college students in the university cultural identity and difference capital on employment intention, explore the university cultural capital has different cognition and identity of college students have significantly different career intention, results showed that different gender, education, professional students have different perception and acceptance, different gender. The educational background of the University Cultural capital, students' employment intention is different, and the spirit of cultural capital, cultural capital and institutional cultural capital has different influence on each part of their employment intention. Therefore, we should use the university cultural capital to help students establish a clear idea of choosing a job, the target and reality, updating career the concept, causes the student to have the innovation, create quality, career role, shaping the students' personality.



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