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发布时间:2018-01-12 10:38

  本文关键词:信息技术环境下独立学院教学质量监控体系构建研究 出处:《江苏师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 信息技术 独立学院 教学质量监控 体系构建

【摘要】:独立学院作为高等教育大众化浪潮中应运而生的高等教育改革新事物,在十几年的发展过程中逐渐突显“教学质量”的重要性,特别是在“第26号”部长令颁布后,“教学质量”高低已成为独立学院能否顺利通过“评估”验收的“生命线”。加强教学质量监控,构建高效快捷的教学质量监控体系已成为必然。 然而,独立学院现行的教学质量监控体系,无论是开放式模式,还是闭合式模式都忽略了信息技术对独立学院校园的悄然渗透。现代信息技术以其全面性、全程性、高效性、共享性、共时性和互动性等特征正在逐渐改变传统模式下的高等教育教学手段与方式。将现代信息技术应用到独立学院教学质量监控之中,不仅具有可行性,而且具有现实性。 文章首先分析影响独立学院教学质量的因素,确定了教学质量监控的内容;然后应用案例分析法,从理论研究及实践运行两方面对当前独立学院教学质量监控体系现状进行分析,确定了构建信息技术环境下独立学院教学质量监控体系。 以现代信息技术做支持,以全面质量管理理论为依据,根据教学准备、教学过程、教学结果等活动过程,分别从组织保障、目标及制度制定、运行实施及信息收集、评价及反馈等7个方面子系统构建了独立学院教学质量内部监控体系,从政府、教育行政主管部门、母体高校及社会等4个方面监控构建了独立学院教学质量外部监控体系。 最后具体分析信息技术在独立学院教学质量质量监控中的应用,例如,教务管理系统、学评教系统、基于WEB的反馈系统已广泛应用于独立学院教学管理,为教学质量监控构筑了高效快捷的平台,信息反馈更加科学顺畅;BBS、博客、微博、QQ、微信、飞信等信息交流平台,,既联结独立学院师生,也让家长和社会清楚地了解、认识和监控独立学院的教学质量和人才培养水平;电子档案袋记录了教师成长的过程,为评价者和监控者提供了综合判断的依据。
[Abstract]:As a new thing of higher education reform in the tide of popularization of higher education, independent college has gradually highlighted the importance of "teaching quality" in the course of development for more than ten years. Especially after the promulgation of Ministerial decree No. 26, the level of "teaching quality" has become the "lifeline" for independent colleges to smoothly pass the "evaluation" acceptance, and strengthen the monitoring of teaching quality. It is inevitable to construct an efficient and fast teaching quality monitoring system. However, the current teaching quality monitoring system of independent colleges, whether open mode or closed mode, all ignore the information technology on the campus of independent college quietly infiltration. Modern information technology with its comprehensive. The characteristics of the whole process, high efficiency, sharing, synchronic and interactive are gradually changing the teaching methods and methods of higher education under the traditional mode, and applying modern information technology to the quality control of teaching in independent colleges. It is not only feasible, but also realistic. This paper first analyzes the factors that affect the teaching quality of independent colleges and determines the content of teaching quality monitoring. Then using the case analysis method, from the theoretical research and practical operation of the current independent college teaching quality monitoring system analysis of the current situation. The teaching quality monitoring system of independent college under the environment of information technology is established. Supported by modern information technology, based on the theory of total quality management, according to the teaching preparation, teaching process, teaching results and other activities, respectively, from the organizational security, goals and system formulation. Operational implementation and information collection, evaluation and feedback of seven sub-systems to build an independent college teaching quality internal monitoring system, from the government, education administration departments. The external monitoring system of teaching quality in independent colleges and universities is constructed in four aspects: parent colleges and society. Finally, the application of information technology in the quality control of teaching quality in independent colleges is analyzed in detail. For example, the educational administration system, the teaching evaluation system and the feedback system based on WEB have been widely used in the teaching management of independent colleges. An efficient and fast platform is built for teaching quality monitoring, and the information feedback is more scientific and smooth. BBS, blog, micro-blog QQ, WeChat, Feixin and other information exchange platform, not only connect teachers and students of independent college, but also let parents and society understand clearly. To understand and monitor the teaching quality and talent training level of independent colleges; The electronic portfolio records the process of teacher growth and provides a comprehensive judgment basis for evaluators and monitors.


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