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发布时间:2018-01-12 23:25

  本文关键词:我国高等教育质量标准体系框架的构建 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 质量标准 质量保障 体系构建

【摘要】:质量是高等学校的生命线,随着高校招生规模不断扩大,提高高等教育质量成为高等教育改革和发展的核心任务。提高高等教育质量,是建设创新型国家、建设人力资源强国、建设高等教育强国的迫切需要。要提高高等教育质量,要使我国高等教育由大到强,建立高等教育质量标准体系十分必要且十分迫切。我国当前的人才培养质量标准体系不够完善,高等教育质量标准、质量应如何保证以及高等教育如何实现政府问责等问题都必须要从国家层面进行规范。《国家中长期改革和发展规划纲要》也明确提出,“要制定教育国家标准,建立教育质量保障体系。”因此,从国家层面来构建质量标准体系具有深厚的理论意义与实践意义,明确的标准体系框架能够指导建立不同层次的各类人才标准,确保不同教育层次能更好地达到教育目标。 本研究首先采用文献法调研了英国、澳大利亚质量标准体系、运行环境的现状,对两个国家的标准体系构成要素进行了深入地研究,研究结果表明英国、澳大利亚在标准的制定以及运行方面十分优秀,值得我国借鉴;第二,将我国与澳大利亚、英国的质量标准体系、高等教育质量标准体系的运行环境进行了对比研究,分析得出我国目前在标准制定主体的权限、标准内容的描述、信息公开的规范、标准体系的运行环境方面存在的问题;第三,对目前我国的高校人才培养质量现状进行分析,找出影响人才培养质量根本因素,包括国家高等教育法律与政策的指导、高校的培养目标、课程设置、教学方法的影响以及学生自身因素等,为高等教育质量标准的构建奠定了基础;第四,借鉴和吸取发达国家的优秀经验,结合我国实际国情,从人才培养标准、质量保障标准以及质量信息标准三大方面入手,构建出了国家层面的高等教育质量标准体系框架,并对框架中各要素关系进行分析;最后提出了确保质量标准体系运行的政策与法律环境建议,包括要重视高等教育立法的内容、形式、数量、质量,建立健全内部、外部保障机制等。
[Abstract]:Quality is the lifeline of colleges and universities. With the expansion of college enrollment, improving the quality of higher education has become the core task of the reform and development of higher education. To improve the quality of higher education is to build an innovative country. In order to improve the quality of higher education, we must make our higher education from big to strong. It is very necessary and urgent to establish the quality standard system of higher education. The current quality standard system of talent training in our country is not perfect enough, and the quality standard of higher education is not perfect. The issues of how to guarantee quality and how to achieve government accountability in higher education must be standardized at the national level. The outline of the National Medium- and Long-term Reform and Development Plan is also clearly put forward. Therefore, it is of profound theoretical and practical significance to construct the quality standard system from the national level. A clear standard system framework can guide the establishment of different levels of talent standards to ensure that different levels of education can better achieve educational goals. In this study, first of all, the literature method was used to investigate the current situation of the quality standard system and the operating environment in the UK and Australia, and the constituent elements of the standard system in the two countries were studied in depth, and the results showed that the United Kingdom. Australia is very excellent in the formulation and operation of standards, which is worthy of our country's reference. Second, the quality standard system of our country and Australia, Britain, higher education quality standard system of the operating environment of a comparative study, analysis of the main authority in the establishment of standards in our country. The description of standard content, the specification of information disclosure, and the problems existing in the operating environment of the standard system; Thirdly, this paper analyzes the current situation of talent training quality in colleges and universities in China, and finds out the basic factors that affect the quality of talent training, including the guidance of national higher education laws and policies, the training objectives of colleges and universities, and the curriculum design. The influence of teaching methods and students' own factors have laid a foundation for the construction of higher education quality standards. 4th, draw lessons from the excellent experience of developed countries, combined with the actual situation of our country, from the talent training standards, quality assurance standards and quality information standards three major aspects. The framework of quality standard system of higher education at the national level is constructed, and the relationship between the elements in the framework is analyzed. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the policy and legal environment to ensure the operation of the quality standard system, including paying attention to the content, form, quantity, quality of the legislation of higher education, establishing and perfecting the internal and external guarantee mechanism, and so on.


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2 郭秀琴;我国现行的高等教育质量研究[D];东北师范大学;2007年

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