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发布时间:2018-01-13 16:11

  本文关键词:当代大学生优秀传统文化素养培育研究 出处:《上海师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 当代大学生 中国优秀传统文化 素养

[Abstract]:In the third Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee, it was proposed to perfect the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture and to carry out the fundamental task of building up people by virtue. The Ministry of Education promulgated the guiding outline for the improvement of Chinese excellent traditional Culture Education. China is an ancient country with a long history. The outstanding traditional culture of China is profound and brilliant. The humanistic spirit and moral ideal it contains affect the people of later generations. Contemporary college students, as builders and successors of the future Chinese socialism, strengthen their excellent Chinese traditional cultural literacy. Inheriting the essence of Chinese traditional culture is the responsibility given by the times to contemporary college students. Since the reform and opening up, with the expansion of globalization, the role of Chinese excellent traditional culture in educating people has been weakened day by day. This phenomenon is particularly prominent in the contemporary college students. Therefore, this paper analyzes the current situation of the cultivation of excellent traditional cultural literacy of contemporary college students, and studies the ways to cultivate the excellent traditional cultural literacy of contemporary college students. It is of profound historical significance to improve the excellent traditional cultural literacy of contemporary college students. Our country has always attached importance to the national spirit education of college students and has gained some experience, but in the new situation. There are some problems in cultivating the excellent traditional cultural literacy of contemporary college students, mainly because under the environment of examination-oriented education, the cultivation of humanistic literacy of students in primary and secondary schools has not attracted enough attention. And for the cultivation of contemporary college students' excellent traditional cultural literacy is still stuck in the traditional way of education, failed to use reasonably, resulting in the cultivation process of the lack of moral effect is not good. The cultivation of excellent traditional cultural literacy of contemporary college students should pay attention to the education of excellent traditional culture of college students and play a role in the classroom in colleges and universities. Improve the curriculum system of excellent traditional culture, at the same time improve teachers' excellent traditional cultural literacy, and make full use of the role of new media such as network to carry out cultivation activities; After 1995, college students have personality desire for independence, should respect the personality of college students to give full play to the main role of college students, improve the understanding of college students on the outstanding traditional culture. Strengthen college students' awareness of the subject of learning traditional culture, make use of rich and colorful activities, let students participate in their own initiative, cultivate their own excellent traditional cultural literacy; Today is open, facing the influx of Western culture can not blindly reject, foreign culture worthy of reference to the cultivation of contemporary college students' excellent traditional cultural literacy, Korea. Singapore and the United States and the United States and other countries of the way of education absorb and quote, but also make good profits. Excellent traditional culture contains not only rich knowledge system of contemporary college students. It is more helpful for contemporary college students to set up lofty personality, to carry forward and inherit the spirit of the Chinese nation, to enhance the personal humanistic literacy of college students, and to become high-quality talents. It is of great significance to the cultivation of excellent traditional cultural literacy of contemporary college students.


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