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发布时间:2018-01-14 18:02

  本文关键词:XJ学院教职工激励机制研究 出处:《西北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民办高校 激励机制 人力资源

【摘要】:近二十年,中国的民办教育发展迅速,无论是在数量上还是在校生总数上都表现出了强劲的势头。面对日益剧烈的竞争,民办高校开始了从外延发展向内涵发展的转变,除了要做好迎接外部环境的大机遇、大挑战,同时也要做好内部机制的调整,尤其是制定并完善激励机制,吸引并留住人才成为人力资源工作的重心,受到了前所未有的重视。 XJ学院作为陕西乃至全国著名的民办高校,其教职员工近两千人,在新形势下,面对机遇和挑战,如何稳定这个队伍,人力资源管理激励机制将起很重要的作用。本文运用案例研究法、文献分析法、定量分析与定性分析相结合及实际调查法等多种研究方法对xJ学院激励机制进行优化设计。首先回顾了激励的相关理论,通过阅读大量的文献,了解国内外激励发展的状况。其次,通过对XJ学院进行介绍,分析其激励机制存在的问题和原因。再次,运用相关激励理论结合学院具体情况设计了激励机制方案,即把物质激励与精神激励结合起来,在物质激励中可以把公平的薪酬福利待遇与“暗奖”结合起来;在精神激励中注重教职工的自我价值的实现,让员工适时参与决策;指出激励并不是越多越好,要把握好尺度;提供了保障实施的措施,确保激励机制能够发挥最大的作用。最后,阐述了本文的局限性及需要进一步研究的问题。 本文理论联系实际,针对XJ学院激励存在的问题进行分析,设计了一个客观、公平的激励方案,利于激发教职工的积极性、创造性和主观能动性,并为XJ学院人力资源部门提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:For nearly twenty years, the rapid development of private education China, either in quantity or in the total number of students have shown a strong momentum. In the face of increasingly fierce competition, private universities are beginning to change from extensive development to the connotation of development, in addition to prepare for the opportunities and challenges of the external environment, but also to do the internal adjustment mechanism, especially to develop and improve the incentive mechanism to attract and retain talents become the focus of the work of human resources, has been hitherto unknown attention.
Shaanxi XJ College as well as the famous private universities, the staff of nearly two thousand people, in the new situation, facing opportunities and challenges, how to stabilize the team, the incentive mechanism of human resource management will play a very important role. In this paper, using the method of case study, literature analysis, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis and practice the survey method and other research methods to optimize the design of incentive mechanism of xJ college. Firstly reviews the relevant theories of motivation, through extensive reading of literature, understanding of domestic and international incentive development situation. Secondly, based on the XJ, in the introduction, the analysis of problems and reasons in the existing incentive mechanism. Thirdly, the specific circumstances related to the use of incentive School of design theory combined with the incentive mechanism, namely the material and spiritual incentive combination in material incentive can make fair compensation and "dark" award. Together; focus on the staff in the spiritual incentive value of self, let employees timely participation in decision-making; and points out that the motivation is not the more the better, to grasp the scale; provide security measures, to ensure that the incentive mechanism can play the biggest role. Finally, expounds the limitations of this paper and the problems that need further study.
Combining theory with practice, aiming at the problems existing in XJ Institute's incentive, this paper designs an objective and fair incentive plan, which is conducive to inspiring the enthusiasm, creativity and subjective initiative of faculty, and provides reference for XJ College's human resources department.



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