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发布时间:2018-01-15 02:00

  本文关键词:高校网络青年学生自组织建设研究 出处:《广西师范学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 网络青年学生自组织 建设

【摘要】:高校网络青年学生自组织指高校青年大学生以网络为媒介,依托网络虚拟平台建立,以网络舆论为主要活动形式,按照自我意愿自发成立、自主管理、自主发展的民间学生组织。高校网络青年学生自组织强调自组织成员的高校青年大学生身份,这一群体他们思想更加开放、思维更加活跃、视野更加开阔、思考独立性更加突出、民主法治观念和公民意识更为强烈,借助网络青年自组织虚拟分散的组织形式,他们的这些特点得到进一步增强与放大。高校网络青年学生自组织的蓬勃发展与社会主义市场经济的发展有着密不可分的联系,它是社会、经济、网络技术迅猛发展的必然产物。短短几年间,,高校网络青年学生自组织从无到有,并呈现出快速发展的趋势,然而其本身的组织架构、外部引导机制和监管机制的不完善与其发展速度呈现剧烈反差,这样就势必影响高校网络青年学生自组织自身的建设,进而威胁校园乃至社会的安定与和谐。 本文从高校网络青年学生自组织的形成出发,综合分析高校网络青年学生自组织建设存在的问题,进而探讨了在引导高校网络青年学生自组织建设中应遵循的原则和对策。本文主要分为四部分:第一部分为导言部分,主要阐述了选题的来源、选题的目的和意义、基本概念的厘定、国内外研究现状以及研究方法和思路。第二部分主要介绍了高校网络青年学生自组织的形成,以及高校网络青年学生自组织的类型和特点。第三部分为高校网络青年学生自组织建设现状分析,文章主要通过对当前高校网络青年学生自组织发展总体态势进行描述,进而找出高校网络青年学生自组织存在的问题,并对存在问题的原因进行较为深刻的剖析。第四部分主要介绍了在引导高校网络青年学生自组织建设过程中要始终坚持遵循引导和疏通相结合、服务和管理相结合、适时介入和分类指导相结合、隐性渗透和显性教育相结合四条原则,并在此原则的指导下,从以马克思主义为指导,推动高校网络青年学生自组织外在引导能力提升;以全面发展为目标,推动高校网络青年学生自组织自我发展能力提升;依托网络平台加强监督,促进高校网络青年学生自组织管理水平提高这三个方面提出相应对策。
[Abstract]:Young college students self organization refers to the network of young college students to network media, relying on the virtual network platform is established, with network public opinion as the main form of activities in accordance with the wishes of self established, independent management, folk organization students autonomous development. Young college students network self-organization emphasis on the identity of young college students from the members of the organization, the the group they are more open-minded, more active thinking, more open vision, thinking independence is more prominent, democracy and the rule of law concept and the citizen consciousness is more intense, with the network of Youth Self Organization virtual decentralized organization, that has been further enhanced and enlarged. Inextricably linked to development of young college students self organization network with the vigorous development of the socialist market economy, it is the inevitable product of economic society, the rapid development of network technology in a few years. Among the young college students self organization network from scratch, and showing a trend of rapid development, but its organizational structure, external guide mechanism and supervision mechanism is not perfect and the development rate showed a drastic contrast, this is bound to affect the young university network self-organization of students own construction, and threatens the stability and harmonious campus and society.
From the network of young students self organization form of comprehensive analysis of university network of young students self organization construction problems, and discusses the principles and strategies in guiding the young college students to follow self organizing network construction should be. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly elaborated the selected topic source the purpose and significance of the topic, and define the basic concepts, research status and research methods and ideas. The second part mainly introduces the young college students to form self-organizing network, and the network of colleges and universities students self organization types and characteristics of. The third part is the network of young students self organization construction present situation analysis, the article mainly through the general situation of the current development of young college students self organization network is described, and then find the young college students self organization network problems Questions, and profound analysis of the causes of the problems. The fourth part mainly introduces the youth network of colleges and universities students self organization in the process of construction must always adhere to follow the guide and dredge the combination of service and management combined, timely intervention and guidance combined, recessive and dominant education penetration combination four the principle, and under the guidance of this principle, according to the Marx doctrine as a guide to promote youth university network self-organization of students to enhance the ability of external guidance; a comprehensive development goals, promote youth university network self-organization of students self development ability; relying on the network platform to strengthen supervision, to promote the young students university network self-organization is proposed to improve the management level the corresponding countermeasures of the three aspects.



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