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发布时间:2018-01-15 11:42

  本文关键词:高校学困生思想政治教育策略研究 出处:《沈阳航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 学困生 策略 思想政治教育

【摘要】:高校学困生作为在校大学生中的一个特殊群体,十分值得关注。学困生的存在,不仅对学生个人前途和家庭期望带来了负面的影响,也是对教育资源的浪费。学困生群体的思想政治教育是高等教育活动中需要加强和改进的地方。2004年中共中央、国务院颁布的《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》中明确指出,要“坚持解决思想问题与解决实际问题相结合。既讲道理又办实事,既以理服人又以情感人,增强思想政治教育的实际效果。”“努力解决大学生的实际问题。思想政治教育既要教育人、引导人,又要关心人、帮助人。”《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》第十三章原文提出,,要“注重因材施教。关注学生不同特点和个性差异,发展每一个学生的优势潜能。建立学习困难学生的帮助机制。”因此,制定科学有效的思想政治教育策略,帮助学困生转变思想,摆脱困境,是思想政治教育者需要认真考虑的问题。 本文从思想政治教育视角,针对高校学困生的思想政治教育的策略进行了研究。首先对国内外的高校学困生思想教育理论进行研读和总结。通过对学生成绩数据和学籍处理结果的分析,用调查问卷和访谈等形式,明确界定了本文研究的对象和范围。总结了高校学困生的特点,了解学困生比例和分布规律,分析学困生群体带来的影响。阐述学困生思想政治教育的重要性。从形成根源入手进行分析甄别,将学困生群体进行分类。界定了高校学困生思想政治教育活动中的重点和难点,进而针对学困生实际状况提出了思想政治教育策略,提出建立学困生的预警甄别机制,从学习策略、情感教育与管理工作几个角度探讨,以期从思想政治教育工作角度改变学困生的困境,无疑具有重要理论价值和现实意义。
[Abstract]:As a special group of college students, the existence of students with learning difficulties not only has a negative impact on the students' personal future and family expectations. It is also a waste of educational resources. The ideological and political education of students with learning difficulties is the place that needs to be strengthened and improved in higher education activities. In the "opinions on further strengthening and improving ideological and political Education for College students" promulgated by the State Council, it is clearly pointed out that it is necessary to "persist in combining solving ideological problems with solving practical problems." The ideological and political education should not only educate people, guide them, but also care about them. "the outline of the National Medium-and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Program 2010-2020" the original text of Chapter 13th proposes that we should "pay attention to teaching students according to their aptitude and pay attention to the different characteristics and personality differences of students." Therefore, we should formulate scientific and effective ideological and political education strategies to help students with learning difficulties change their thinking and get rid of difficulties. Ideological and political educators need to seriously consider the problem. This article from the ideological and political education perspective. This paper studies the strategies of ideological and political education for students with learning difficulties in colleges and universities. Firstly, it studies and summarizes the theory of ideological education of students with learning difficulties at home and abroad, and analyzes the results of student achievement data and student status processing. With the form of questionnaire and interview, this paper clearly defines the object and scope of this study, summarizes the characteristics of students with learning difficulties in colleges and universities, and understands the proportion and distribution of students with learning difficulties. This paper analyzes the influence of students with learning difficulties, expounds the importance of ideological and political education of students with learning difficulties, and analyzes and discriminates from the source of formation. This paper classifies the groups of students with learning difficulties, defines the key points and difficulties in the ideological and political education activities of the students with learning difficulties in colleges and universities, and then puts forward the ideological and political education strategies for the actual situation of students with learning difficulties. In order to change the plight of students with learning difficulties from the perspective of ideological and political education, this paper puts forward a mechanism of early warning and discrimination for students with learning difficulties, from the perspective of learning strategies, emotional education and management. Undoubtedly, it has important theoretical value and practical significance.


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