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发布时间:2018-01-15 12:25

  本文关键词:大学专科生化学学习成败归因训练的实验研究 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 化学学习 归因训练 化学成绩

【摘要】:归因理论认为,不同的归因方式对学生的学习结果会产生不同的影响,积极合理的归因方式能够产生学习的动力,从而提高学生的学习成绩。消极不合理的归因方式对学生的学习有较大的危害。归因训练能够矫正学生不合理的归因方式,从而带动一系列情感和行为的变化。 本研究选择长沙师范高等专科学校的五年一贯制的免费师范生作为研究对象,采用集体训练和个别训练相结合的方式,对其化学学习成败归因方式进行训练,探索归因训练对其化学成绩和情感态度的影响。集体训练包括在课后或者周末以讲座,讨论会,观看视频等方式以及在化学教学课堂上进行归因训练等。个体训练的方法包括自我强化法和他人强化法。经过为期两个多月的化学学业成败的归因训练,结果发现: 1.对大学专科生有意识进行归因训练,能够显著提高其化学学习成绩。 2.对不同学业层次的大学专科生进行归因训练,优、中、差生的化学学习成绩的提高幅度没有明显的差异。但是优等生的学习成绩提高幅度较大,中等生次之,差生最小。 3.对化学学困生化学学习成败归因方式进行个别训练,能使该生的化学学习态度发生明显转变,化学学习兴趣及学习成绩显著提高。
[Abstract]:According to attribution theory, different attribution styles have different effects on students' learning results, and positive and reasonable attribution styles can produce learning motivation. In order to improve students' academic performance, negative and unreasonable attribution style has great harm to students' learning. Attribution training can correct students' unreasonable attribution style. Thus driving a series of emotional and behavioral changes. This study chooses the free normal students of Changsha Teachers College as the research object, and adopts the combination of group training and individual training to train their chemistry learning success or failure attribution mode. Explore the effects of attribution training on their chemistry scores and emotional attitudes. Group training includes lectures and seminars after class or on weekends. The methods of individual training include self-reinforcement method and others reinforcement method. After more than two months of attribution training for the success or failure of chemistry studies. It was found that: 1. The attribution training of college students can improve their chemistry achievement significantly. 2. The attribution training of college students at different academic levels shows that there is no significant difference in the improvement range of chemical learning achievement among the excellent, middle and poor students, but the improvement range of the top students is larger. Secondary students take second place, and poor students are the least. 3. Individual training on the attribution of success or failure in chemistry learning of students with learning difficulties can make the students' attitude to chemistry learning change obviously, and their interest and achievement in chemistry learning can be improved significantly.


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