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  本文关键词:当代大学生自我教育研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 自我教育 研究

【摘要】:自我教育能力是指一个人在良好的品德修养、健康的思想情操、正确的政治方向、远大的理想抱负等方面的自我认识、自我评价、自我修正能力。在19世纪,有“德国教师的教师”之称的第斯多惠曾经说“一位坏的教师奉送真理,一位好的教师则教人发现真理。”他说,相对于学生来说教师要成为启蒙的“火炬”。前苏联大教育家苏霍姆林斯基也曾说过:“我深信,只有能够激发学生去进行自我教育的教育,才是真正的教育”。从人性存在的意义上讲,自我教育是人性积极性、主动性的具体体现,也因此受到了不同国家教育家们的重视。今天,我们对当代大学生进行教育,也就更加应该重视自我教育的价值和意义,还要通过一定的教育方法和手段提高大学生自我教育的能力。 当前,高校的大学生教育工作给人很“空虚”的感觉,整体时效性不强。教育工作者总是以单一的、固定的传统模式把教育强加给学生,缺少了对学生主体性的关注,也就缺少了人性的关注。在这种教育模式下,大学生的积极性、主动性遭到打压,能动性得不到发挥,学生完全成为了被动的客体,教育失去了它原有的本质。高校教育工作者面对的对象是大学生,是活生生的人,既然教育的对象是人,就应该以人的全面发展为目的而去开展教育实践活动,所以教育的本质也可以说是促进人的潜能的发挥、人性的完善和自我价值的提升。 根据上述分析,文章提出了以充分发挥自主性、自觉性为核心理念的大学生自我教育这一现代教育模式,就是为了让大学生真正树立起良好自我教育意识,顺利成长成才。全文采用了调查、对比、跨学科和理论联系实际等方法进行研究,对当代高校大学生的教育现状进行了深入的分析和研究,将传统大学生教育模式和大学生自我教育模式进行了比较,并且经过多学科相关理论的论证,同时,通过调查问卷和分析研究,再结合当代高校大学生教育的研究现状,得出结论:大学生自我教育模式符合大学生的成长成才,是科学的教育理论。本文主要有以下几个方面的观点:首先,当前高校传统的大学生教育模式已经不能适应时代的需要,出现不如人意的状况,自我教育的过程也存在很多的问题。要想彻底克服高校传统教育模式的弊端,就要在教育工作中注重大学生主体性的发挥,发挥大学生的主观能动性,全面树立自我教育我理念和模式。第二,大学生自我教育的过程不是通过高校教育工作者的单一的教学和灌输模式获得的,必须要积极引导学生去开展自我教育,这也是教育的本源,就是教育者对被教育者的引导和指导。只有在教育者的引导和指导下,通过大学生主体性的发挥,才能顺利实现自我教育,促进个体的成长和发展。“没有教育者的价值引导,就不成其为教育过程而是单纯的自我修养、自我教育;没有受教者的自我教育,教育者的价值引导也难以发挥作用。”[1]本文通过问卷调查、对比等研究方式,在对传统高校教育模式提出否定的基础上,进一步提出了大学生自我教育的理念,并指出这一理念是符合大学生成长教育规律的,揭示了大学生教育的本质和一般规律,也为今后做好高校大学生的教育工作指明了道路。在对学生进行教育的过程中,作为高校的教育工作者,一定要注重培养学生的主体意识和主体精神,充分调动大学生的主观能动性,培养参与意识,培养创新精神,让大学生充分发挥自己的潜能和个性,从而塑造大学生个性,实现个人价值,从而确保高校大学生教育工作的科学性和实效性。 全文由引言、正文和结论三部分构成。在引言部分,主要介绍了当代大学生自我教育的价值和重要意义、基本研究思路和研究重、难点研究目标与研究现状等。在文章的正文部分首先介绍了大学生自我教育的概念、特征和理论依据;第二部介绍了当前大学生自我教育的必要性;第三部分展示了当代大学生自我教育现状的调查结果和分析了形成的原因;第四部分分别从优化大学生自我教育外部环境,在高校教育工作者和大学生中全面树立正确的自我教育理念,,积极采取措施,努力培养大学生自我教育的能力和方法方面给出了对策。在文章的结论部分,再一次讲明了文章的核心观点,大学生自我教育是符合大学生教育规律的科学的教育理论,同时还交代了研究的局限和不足以及进步方向。
[Abstract]:Self education ability refers to a person in good moral cultivation, healthy sentiment, the correct political direction, lofty ambitions and other aspects of the self understanding, self evaluation, self correction ability. In nineteenth Century, the "German teachers" said Diesterweg once said "a bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher should teach others to find the truth." he said, with respect to students, teachers should become the Enlightenment of the "Torch". The former Soviet Union educator Sue Home Linsky once said: "I am convinced that only able to motivate students to do self education, is the real education" from the existence of humanity. Sense of self education is the embodiment of human enthusiasm, initiative, and therefore subject to the educator's attention in different countries. Today, our education of contemporary college students, also more attention should be paid to the self The value and significance of my education should also improve the ability of college students to educate themselves by means of certain educational methods and means.
At present, college students' Education in Colleges and universities give people a feeling of "empty", the overall effectiveness is not strong. Educators always single, the traditional fixed mode of education imposed on students, the lack of students' subjectivity, it is the lack of humanistic concern. In this kind of education mode, actively college students, the initiative was suppressed, the initiative can not play, the students become completely passive object, education has lost its original essence. The object of educational workers in Colleges and universities are faced with college students, is a living person, since the object of education is people, it should be based on people's all-round development for the purpose to to carry out educational practice, so the essence of education can also be said to promote people's potential, the improvement of the humanity and the value of self promotion.
According to the above analysis, the paper proposes to give full play to the initiative, self education consciousness as the core concept of the students in this modern education mode, in order to make the students establish good self education awareness, grow up smoothly. This paper uses survey, comparative, interdisciplinary research and theory with practice method, the in-depth analysis and Research on the current situation of contemporary college students' education, the traditional mode of education and college students college students' self education mode, and through multidisciplinary related theory, at the same time, through the investigation and analysis, combined with the research status of contemporary college students' education and draw the conclusion that College Students' self education mode with students the growth of talent, is the education theory of science. This paper mainly has the following several aspects: first, the traditional university The college education model has been unable to meet the needs of the times, appear unsatisfactory situation, self education also has many problems. In order to completely overcome the drawbacks of traditional education mode in Colleges and universities, to work in education focus on students' subjectivity, initiative to play college students, establish a comprehensive self education concept and mode. Second, the process of self education of college students is not obtained by educators in higher education and indoctrination single teaching mode, we must actively guide students to carry out self education, which is the origin of education, education is the guidance and guidance to be educated. Only in the education and guidance under the guidance. Through the subjectivity of college students, to achieve self education, promote the growth and development of the individual. "Without the guidance of the value of education, it is not education But the simple process of self-cultivation, self education and self education; not educated, education value guidance is difficult to play a role. "[1] through the questionnaire survey, comparison and so on, is put forward in the negative on the basis of the traditional education mode, further put forward the concept of College Students' self education, and points out that the a concept is consistent with the law of the growth of college students, reveals the essence of college education and the general rule, also points the way for the future university students do the education work. In the process of education to the students, college education workers, we must pay attention to the cultivation of students' subject consciousness and spirit, fully mobilize the initiative of the students, cultivate the sense of participation, cultivate the spirit of innovation, let the students give full play to their potential and personality, thus shaping the college students, to achieve personal Value, so as to ensure the scientific and actual effect of College Students' education work.
The thesis is composed of preface, text and conclusion of three parts. In the introduction part, mainly introduces the self education of contemporary college students' value and significance, basic theory and research, difficult research objectives and research status. In the main part of this article firstly introduces the concept of College Students' self education, characteristics and theoretical basis; second introduces the necessity of College Students' self education; the third part shows the survey results of self education of contemporary college students and analyzes the reasons for the formation of; the fourth part is from the optimization of College Students' self education external environment, establish a correct concept of self education in Higher Education workers and college students, and actively take measures to cultivate skills and methods college students' self education gives the countermeasures. In the conclusion, once again made it clear that the core point of view, Self-education of college students is a scientific theory of education which is in line with the law of college students. At the same time, it has also explained the limitations and shortcomings of the research and the direction of progress.



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