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发布时间:2018-01-16 17:14

  本文关键词:视频教学对大学生婚恋观教育的有效性分析 出处:《大连医科大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 视频教学 大学生 婚恋观 婚恋观教育

【摘要】:目的:随着改革开放与信息全球化发展,大学生婚恋观念趋于开放,社会上的一些不良思想观念,对大学生产生了许多消极负面的影响。近年来,由大学生婚恋所引发的各种问题层出不穷,在社会上引起了诸多争议。然而婚恋观教育存在特殊性,现有的婚恋观教育方式受教师自身的主观性影响大;教育者与受教育者间存在代沟。对大学生婚恋观的教育方式的探索迫在眉睫。而视频技术是二十世纪以电脑为核心的新兴信息技术成果,,视频教学有利于学生获得内隐知识,促进受教育者的发现学习,激发学习兴趣和促进学生认知与情感的重塑的优势。研究对大学生婚恋观的新型教育方式是大学生健康发展与成才的现实需要,同时能为大学生健全心理素质培养提供依据。 方法:1、采用文献整理与问卷调查相结合,确定大学生婚恋观结构及主要问题。2、编制《大学生婚恋观调查问卷》,确定问卷编制的结构与项目,检验问卷结构和信效度。3、根据问卷中的大学生婚恋观的维度,科学性的编制大学生婚恋观的教学视频。并根据学生反馈反复修改,使得大学生教学视频中的教学内容紧密与大学生实际婚恋问题相一致。4、对235名大学生进行教学实验,采用本研究采用2*3完全随机实验设计对视频教学效果进行检验,并提出教学建议。 结果:1、大学生婚恋观由性爱抉择观、婚前性行为、网恋态度、恋爱行为、择偶观、失恋态度和恋爱动机组七个维度组成。2、本研究编制的“大学生婚恋观问卷”,具有较好的信效度,可以作为本研究的测量工具。3、绝大多数的维度得分都居于中等程度的范围,各因子得分从低到高排列的顺序依次为:恋爱动机择偶观失恋态度网恋态度婚前性行为恋爱行为性爱抉择观。4、在性爱抉择观这一维度上农户学生的得分显著高于非农户学生(t=2.531p=0.012)。5、在婚前性行为(f=14.270p=0.000)、恋爱行为(f=8.884p=0.000)、择偶观(f=11.342p=0.000)三个维度上,不同恋爱状况之间存在显著差异。6、视频组与控制组间大学生婚恋观的七个维度中性爱抉择观(t=-4.817p=0.000)、婚前性行为(t=-3.726p=0.000)、择偶观(t=4.153p=0.000)、恋爱动机(t=4.330p=0.000)恋爱行为(t=-2.625p=0.009)和失恋态度(t=2.369p=0.018)维度上呈现显著差异。7、不同恋爱状态学生视频教学效果:曾经恋爱但现在单身组在婚前性行为(t=-3.36p=0.001)、择偶观(t=3.90p=0.000)和恋爱动机(t=3.22p=0.002)三个维度上差异显著。正在恋爱组在性爱抉择观(t=-5.02p=0.000)、网恋态度(t=-2.10p=0.040)、恋爱行为(t=-2.14p=0.037)和择偶观(t=3.54p=0.001)四个维度上差异显著。从未恋爱组在性爱抉择观(t=-3.06p=0.003)、婚前性行为(t=2.15p=0.035)、网恋态度(t=-0.05p=0.003)、恋爱行为(t=-3.66p=0.000)、失恋态度(t=2.71p=0.008)和恋爱动机(t=4.38p=0.000)这六个维度上差异显著。 结论:1、大学生婚恋观的视频教育对大学生的婚恋观在性爱抉择观、婚前性行为、择偶观恋爱行为、恋爱动机、失恋态度这六个维度上具有较好的教学效果。2、婚恋观的教学结果受到自身恋爱状况的影响。大学生婚恋观教育视频对不同恋爱状况的群体的教学效果不同。3、不同恋爱状况的大学生在婚恋观中的择偶观、恋爱行为和婚前性行为三个维度上的观念存在差异。
[Abstract]:Objective: with the reform and opening up, the development of information globalization, college students' concept of marriage tends to open, some bad ideas in society, has many negative effects on college students. In recent years, emerge in an endless stream problems caused by students' marriage, caused a lot of controversy in the society. However, marriage education has particularity. The existing marriage education teachers' subjective effect; there is gap between educators and the educated. To explore the marriage view of college education is imminent. The video is twentieth Century to the computer as the core of the emerging information technology, video teaching will help students acquire implicit knowledge, promote education the discovery learning, stimulate interest in learning and promote students' cognitive and emotional remodeling advantage. Study of new education college students' love and marriage is The healthy development of college students and the practical needs of talent can provide the basis for college students to improve their psychological quality.
Methods: 1, using literature review and questionnaire, determine the college students' love and marriage structure and main problems of.2, and the < College Students marriage questionnaire >, determine the structure and project questionnaire, questionnaire test structure and validity of the.3, according to the questionnaire of college students in the view of marriage and love dimensions, scientific preparation of college students the marriage teaching video. According to student feedback repeatedly modified, making the teaching content of college students in the teaching video closely with students' actual marriage problems consistent with.4 teaching experiment on 235 college students, this paper adopts 2*3 completely randomized experimental design was used to test the effect of video teaching, and puts forward some teaching suggestions.
Results: 1, college students' love and marriage by sex choice concept, premarital sex, love attitude, love behavior, mate concept, attitude and love dynamic lovelorn seven dimensions of unit.2, the establishment of the college students' love and marriage "Questionnaire" has good reliability and validity, which can be used as a measurement tool for this study is.3. Most of the scores are in the moderate range, the factor scores from low to high, the sequence is: love motivation choice view lovelorn attitude attitude toward premarital sex behavior courtship behavior of love sex choice.4, in view of the sex choice farmers students is significantly higher than non farmers' (t=2.531p=0.012).5. In premarital sex, love behavior (f=14.270p=0.000) (f=8.884p=0.000), mate concept (f=11.342p=0.000) on the three dimensions, there are significant differences between different.6 relationship status, video group and the control group in University Students love and marriage of the seven dimensions of sex choice (t=-4.817p=0.000), the concept of premarital sexual behavior (t=-3.726p=0.000), mate concept (t=4.153p=0.000), love motivation (t=4.330p=0.000) love behavior (t=-2.625p=0.009) and (t=2.369p=0.018) dimension lovelorn attitude showed significant differences in.7, the state student video teaching effects of different love: once in love but single now in the group of premarital sexual behavior (t=-3.36p=0.001), mate concept (t=3.90p=0.000) and love motivation (t=3.22p=0.002) significantly different in three dimensions. Love is in the view of sex choice group (t=-5.02p=0.000), cyber romance (t=-2.10p=0.040), love behavior (t=-2.14p=0.037) and mate concept (t=3.54p=0.001) on the four dimensions are significantly different. Never fall in love in the view of sex choice group (t=-3.06p=0.003), premarital sex (t=2.15p=0.035), state of love (t=-0.05p=0.003), love behavior (t=-3.66p=0.000), t=2 (lovelorn attitude There are significant differences in the six dimensions of.71p=0.008) and motivation (t=4.38p=0.000).
Conclusion: 1, marriage marriage video education college students on college students in view of sex choice concept, premarital sex, mate choice behavior of love, love motivation, lovelorn attitude on the six dimensions has a better teaching effect.2 marriage teaching results are influenced by their own love conditions. Groups of different education video love the marriage view of college teaching effect of different.3, different college students love situation in view of marriage mate concept, there are three dimensions of love behavior and premarital sexual behavior on the differences.



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